Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Business Process Engineering Essays - Payment Systems,
Business Process Engineering Benetton's equation has been to build up a worldwide establishment activity with severe measures of control of items, gracefully. Introduction and loading in stores. By reexamining the assembling procedure with the goal that articles of clothing are colored as the last advance in the assembling procedure so pieces of clothing are colored as the last advance in the manugfacturing procedure, Benetton has limited variety in produce and extensively abbreviated the flexibly chain. Further, by utilizing data innovation, the organization has had the option to utilize EPOS data in more than 7000 stores worldwode as renewal orders for makers of items that they have tried to make as uniform as conceivable around the world. These can be use to improve their center vusiness forms, they have had the option to utilize improved abilities to dispatch new items, exploiting these upgraded capacities. Conveyance unwavering quality through flexibly chain the executives for Wal-Mart Ringer Atlantic : Payment Processing Reengineers improving client assistance and smoothing out tasks That the truth is a propelled fast settlement picture preparing framework which is as of now sparing Bell Atlantic more than $2 million every year in handling costs and has improved generally quality by 70%, decreased managerial expenses by twenty-five percent while handling in excess of eleven million installments for each month. What's more, that is not all. Chime Atlantic reports client questions have been cut by almost 66% while the six installment places have become two framework destinations giving reinforcement and calamity recuperation abilities. Chime Atlantic likewise has seen a sensational decrease in the thing preparing cost structure, just as the all out length of handling time and month. What's much increasingly amazing is that they have achieved this while diminishing staffing levels by just about a third. Chime Atlantic persevered through the different frameworks for a long time before looking for another rapid settlement picture preparing framework arrangement. The arrangement would be structured, made in copy and sent in two areas - Hunt Valley, Maryland and Cranford, New Jersey - to give complete reinforcement and fiasco recuperation abilities Assignment 6 In addition to the fact that it was significant for the organization's sellers to comprehend the size of the job needing to be done, it was similarly as essential to pass on the message inside. Most likely the simplest route for a venture of this size to fall flat, would be an absence of correspondence at all degrees of the association, White expressed. Individuals need to know, as far ahead of time as could be expected under the circumstances, that there is no shrouded plan and how their occupations will be influenced. Now and again, Bell Atlantic had the option to precisely extend several years ahead of time what the staffing necessities would have been and what the effect would have been from a faculty outlook. From the earliest starting point there would be major procedural and social changes related with executing this framework, however the current staff was positively fit for learning the better approach for getting things done. In spite of the fact that there will consistently be a rare sorts of people who battle change, most importantly we were changing in light of the fact that it was best for Bell Atlantic and all the more critically, their clients, White said. One explicit issue Bell Atlantic tended to was administrative quality and practicality prerequisites accommodated client administrations. Utilizing the old frameworks, it frequently turned into a test to give this. As of now, the organization far surpasses those necessities and there will never be an inquiry that clients are getting something besides predominant and remarkable assistance. Ringer Atlantic has additionally diminished the quantity of installment preparing focuses from six to two, which in itself is sparing the organization more than $2 million yearly. To do this, there were numerous managerial cerebral pains and pointless expenses related with dealing with those different destinations. The two handling places, which have been completely operational for a long time, run six days out of each week, twelve hours out of every day.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Helen of troy willing resident
Helen of troy willing occupant The subject of whether Helen is a willing inhabitant or a hostage occupant of Troy is clarified in The Iliad, Book III. I accept that Helen is a hostage occupant of Troy. With the assistance of Aphroditâ ª, Alexandros entices Helen, and she briefly begins to look all starry eyed at him. He at that point diverts her from her home in Lacedaimon. At the point when the battling begins, it has little effect on Helen, yet then Iris advises her that Alexandros and Menelaos are going to battle for her. This makes Helen come out of the stupor of affection and she feels hopeless and very pining to go home. She misses her better half Menelaos, whom she really cherishes, just as her loved ones back home in Lacedaimon. It is a direct result of Aphroditâ ª, Helen has remained with Alexandros so long and laid with him in bed.When Iris, delivery person of the divine beings, discloses to Helen that Alexandros and Melelaos are going to battle for her, she responds with distress and regret.DTM Alexan dros Margaritis
Performance Evaluation free essay sample
In the given model, the company’s current assessment structure is lacking and doesn't give a total picture of employee’s execution. The present assessment technique just spotlights on close to home qualities of the representative being assessed. Another issue with the present technique is that solitary the plant supervisor assesses the worker, without getting contribution from the individual being assessed or any other individual. Besides the assessment technique at present being utilized spotlights on discernments and doesn't assess execution materials that can be handily estimated, in this way making an emotional assessment. A presentation assessment should concentrate on three for the most part acknowledged arrangements of rules. Singular Tasks Outcomes, which measure the amount and nature of the representatives work. For this model, in the given model, the architect would be appraised on how fruitful the progressions he executed were, and how well his real ventures wrapped up. Notwithstanding task results, representative conduct ought to be a different class that a worker is assessed in. We will compose a custom exposition test on Execution Evaluation or then again any comparative theme explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page In the model, the specialist would be evaluated on his scrupulousness, accommodation of administrative work, proposals for development, and the amount of a cooperative person he is. Finally a worker ought to be appraised on his qualities, which incorporates his own demeanor, show of certainty, constancy and information. By assessing the architect on things, for example, amicability, tidiness of workspace and mentality the organization is concentrating a lot on the employees’ characteristics which ought to be the least significant of the three rules a worker is assessed on. Rather the organization ought to principally concentrate on the individual errand results as this influences the efficiency and net benefits of the organization. Worker conduct is additionally a significant territory to assess since practices can either empower or ruin different representatives work execution. In spite of the fact that it is imperative to perceive and assess individual attributes, this ought to be the least weighted class as individual characteristics are the most drastically averse to influence genuine work execution. A 360 degree way to deal with execution assessments includes directors, companions, subordinates and at some point customers in the assessment procedure. By including these various people a business can get a total image of a representatives work execution. A manager ordinarily knows and comprehends the activity obligations and desires for the representative and can rate him dependent on the genuine exhibition. Companions work legitimately with each other and may share a portion of similar duties and errands. A companion can assess a worker on everyday obligations, how well one works with others, and general execution. Subordinates can give criticism on an assortment of points, for example, relational abilities, support, information on obligations, and different practices and characteristics. A few drawbacks do happen while including bosses, companions and subordinates. With such a significant number of individuals included it might be hard to locate the right people to perform dependable assessments, which makes additional time be spent in the choice and preparing process. Another destruction is that every individual has an alternate relationship with the individual being assessed; in this way prompting contrasts in suppositions that must be sifted through before a last appraising is accomplished. There are a wide range of techniques to break down execution information once it has been gathered. The most well-known strategies incorporate composed articles, basic occurrences and realistic rating scales. A composed exposition is the most fundamental type of dissecting information, when the information is assembled from all sources the evaluator features the most significant subtleties of the information including positive and negative parts of the employee’s execution just as recommendations for enhancements. This accomplishment of this technique is exceptionally subject to the evaluators composing abilities. It provides for a less formal and perhaps less threating approach to give input to a representative than the basic episode technique, in which the evaluator centers around practices that recognize powerful and insufficient work execution. By utilizing basic episodes evaluators center around explicit activities and practices that impact work duties and execution. The basic occurrence strategy gives more explicit occupation related execution assessment than a composed exposition yet at the same time doesn't give a total picture of the employee’ execution. A realistic rating scale is one of the more well known techniques for assessment on the grounds that is rates workers in different parts of employment execution. A scale can be created to rate various measures, for example, singular errand results, representative practices and qualities. This strategy takes into account bosses to measure an employees’ execution and base outcomes on target subtleties. In spite of the fact that the realistic rating scale provides a total image of an employees’ execution it provides for as much nitty gritty input as a composed paper or even basic episodes. A few businesses are moving to another technique for giving input called typically tied down rating scales, which consolidates the general rating scale and basic episode strategies, thusly permitting bosses to concentrate on explicit practices and give criticism on work related execution. There are a wide range of reasons that genuine assessments are hard to get. Evaluators may misrepresent a representative trying to satisfy the worker, out of dread of reprisal or on the grounds that they like the individual, such expansion is viewed as positive mercy. The inverse, adverse tolerance, happens when evaluators underestimate a worker to rebuff the representative for an individual contrast, to make the representative look terrible so as to cause themselves to show up better, or in light of the fact that they just don’t like the individual. The Halo mistake happens when an evaluator premise their appraisal on one explicit activity or trademark. To help get increasingly exact assessments, an organization can utilize the accompanying securities against these inclinations and mistakes. To start with, utilize various evaluators so increasingly exact data can be acquired. Be particular in the evaluators picked, guarantee they know about the employees’ execution and work duties. At long last, train the evaluators, with the goal that they comprehend what is relied upon and how to abstain from utilizing individual decisions in their appraisals. All together for the offered organization to improve their presentation assessments, the organization ought to consider utilizing a 360 degree execution audit. In doing so managers, companions, and subordinates should all be picked to take part in the audit of a given worker. All evaluators ought to be prepared on the most proficient method to appropriately assess a representative, and be made mindful of any inclinations that may impact their assessments. Severe models ought to be utilized in the choice procedure of evaluators to guarantee that evaluators have appropriate information on the worker and his duties, just as to guarantee that all assessment measures are watched. By utilizing this methodology the organization can equitably assess workers and improve representative resolve, profitability and execution.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Define Personality and How It Affects Sports Performance free essay sample
P1 characterize character and how it influences sports execution By Josh Haynes Personality has been important to brandish physiologists and specialists for quite a while, going back to around the 1800s, the motivation behind why it is of such is intrigue is on the grounds that they need to discover how character influences somebody when they are doing wear with regards to what character improves them at explicit games contrasted with others. In any case, as it is elusive an immediate connection from someone’s character to the particular arrangement of aptitudes they have, there is next to no proof which shows what character assists somebody with getting the hang of a particular game. Speculations There are numerous hypotheses that have been made to help attempt to clarify how character can impact sports execution. The main hypothesis is martins schematic view, this is the place they accept that character has three unique levels that identify with one another and these are: * Psychological center * Typical center * Role-related conduct The physical center is a center that is accepted to be constantly steady, this is the piece of you that contains your convictions, qualities, perspectives and your inclinations. We will compose a custom article test on Characterize Personality and How It Affects Sports Performance or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page The average center then again is the means by which you respond and react to various circumstances to the world that is around you. A case of this would be if there was a terrible foul in a game, for example, rugby you may get rather irritated and yell and shout yet then when you interact with another person you are truly modest. The job related conduct is simply the particular conditions that you as a rule end up in, and this will change the generally inside your character. For instance you might be the commander of the group so you take on jobs, for example, initiative however then in your typical working life you are the one taking the requests. The subsequent hypothesis is the Psychodynamic hypothesis. This hypothesis says that ones character is comprised of two sections and they are the cognizant and oblivious parts. One section inside the cognizant and oblivious part is the natural drive, this is the part which causes you to get things done without considering doing them. The following part is your self image and super conscience, for instance when a footballer is picked or approached to take a punishment for the group they may decline do excessively not having any desire to miss and allowing the group to team. The third hypothesis is the Trait-focused perspectives, this is the place they accept that individuals have certain attributes which decides how somebody ought to carry on. They accept there are two primary parts to your character and these are a self preoccupation extroversion measurement and a steady hypochondriac measurement. Loners are individuals that will want to carry out a responsibility that isn't energizing implying that they would prefer to carry out a responsibility that is centered around focus. Outgoing individuals are individuals that like energy, they get exhausted effectively and cant center for a really long time and like to change things up a piece. Stable individuals are individuals who are in every case nice where as masochist individuals are eager and on edge. The fourth hypothesis is situational-focused perspectives, this is diverse to most other character speculations, this is on the grounds that they accept that conduct relies upon the circumstance and condition that you are in. For instance somebody outside of a game might be modest yet when playing a particular game in a particular domain they might be uproarious and forceful. The following hypothesis is the interactional view, this is the place you consider how explicit circumstances and character characteristics will interface together. This is when situational factors are solid in donning circumstances, for example, a punishment shoot-out, they can without much of a stretch foresee your conduct instead of your character attribute. The last hypothesis is the character types hypothesis, this is the place they accept character attributes are gathered into two gatherings, and these are bunches an and b. Gathering an are people that need persistence, and like to finish destinations and objectives rapidly. Where as type b are increasingly open minded to other people and progressively loose and take things moderate. How character impacts sport execution There isn’t actually an immediate connection between character type and effective wearing execution. However, they do recommend that specific character types are attracted to explicit games. Competitors versus non-competitors and people versus group activities. When directing examination they had discovered that there is nothing of the sort as an athletic character. However, there are contrasts between proficient competitors and non-proficient competitors yet in addition between competitors inside various games. Non-competitors are progressively outgoing in group activities however in singular games they are increasingly withdrawn. Tip top versus non-first class competitors. Analysts use to accept that proficient competitors show lower levels of misery, weakness, disarray and outrage, yet significant levels of energy. In any case, late research refutes this and shows that character just influences under 1% of the exhibition variety. Type a versus type b. Inside game it is accepted that type a characters are almost certain than type b characters to proceed inside a game when they are less spurred or the game turns out to be less ideal towards them.
Evaluate the benefits of self managed learning to the individual and organisation Essay
What do you comprehend by the standards of Diversity? I comprehend that standards of Diversity are our own principles that we make not to escape from accomplishing our objectives by any of the many existing parts of our life like culture, fellowships, wellbeing or family issues. Anything that’s occurring in our lives is influencing us in a positive or negative manner. As a result of this it’s significant that we set our standards to remain on target and persuade ourselves. Along these lines we need to regard our principles and tail them in offer to make our objectives materialize and be effective. In my comprehension that’s what standards of Diversity mean and all of us set them in an unexpected way. How would you figure the guideline can influence your objectives? Standards are regularly influencing our objectives, changing theâ time of achievementâ or totally changing the objective itself by changing the conditions of a real existence. I might want to utilize an administration rules. Due to this country’s rules that gives us opportunity to concentrate by allowing individuals at any age with budgetary assist we with canning teach ourselves. Sadly not all nations make the same number of chances and when I was eighteen years of age I couldn’t concentrate as it costs huge measure of cash that I can't bear the cost of and I wasn’t qualifies for any monetary assistance. Subsequently I have decide to leave my nation of cause to seek after further instruction. This demonstrates standards of my nation aren’t appropriate to assist me with accomplishing my objectives, which were to complete school and go to move school at this point, rather I just began school. That shows how my objectives changed opportune and some of them are unachievable because of conditions. By the by we should attempt the hardest to be fruitful and connect for the chances.
Saturday, June 27, 2020
A Huge Inspiration Of Mother Teresa - Free Essay Example
At the age of twelve, Mother Teresa heard a call from God. Her missionary was to serve and show the love of God. When she turned 18, she left her home and joined the sisters of Loreto. She then in 1931 became the patron saint of missionaries. (Mother Teresa to Become a Saint after Pope Francis Recognizes 2nd Miracle) She was born on August 26, 1910. Agnes (her maiden name) was the youngest of 3 children. When she was 8 years old, her father died.(Mother Teresa to Become a Saint after Pope Francis Recognizes 2nd Miracle) Mother Teresa attended a public school. In school she felt a calling to become a nun. By the age of 18, she moved to Ireland to practice the faith.(Vatican Declares Mother Teresa a Patron Saint of Calcutta.) Mother Teresa was one who cared for the poor and homeless. She focused on giving the love and kindness of God. When she turned 36, she felt another call from god to help the needy in India.(Mother Teresa) While she was there, she fed the poor as much as she could, she gave them shelter, and she gave them care. A group called the Missionaries of Charity was formed by her.(Mother Teresa) Agnes was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in the year of 1979.(Mother Teresa) She became a saint because of the amazing works she did, such as helping the poor, feeding the hungry, cared for the sick, and praying to God to help all the people. After her death in 1997, lots of her sisters worked under 610 organizations.(Associated Press) She has won 9 awards such as the Nobel Peace Prize, Kennedy Prize, and Honorary citizenship of the United States. (Mother Teresa Fact Sheet Mother Teresa of Calcutta) Mother Teresa died September 5, 1997. Her feast day is September 5. She is the patron saint of Archdiocese of Calcutta at a Mass. (Mother Teresa) Mother Teresars birth, stories, and works are truly amazing. Teresa became a saint in September 2016.(Mother Teresa) She is a huge inspiration because she teaches all of us to be selfless. Her work can also teach us that helping the homeless is a way we can help God. It can also help us grow closer to God.
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Tips For Writing a Good School Related Persuasive Essay Topic
Tips For Writing a Good School Related Persuasive Essay TopicIn a world where everyone is desperately looking for ways to get their writing skills improved, a good school related, persuasive essay topics can be the key to getting a spot in a college program. If you are a high school senior or a freshman trying to land yourself in a college essay writing competition, here are some tips on making a persuasive essay topic a success.It is important to remember that an important component of good school related, persuasive essay topics is to know what kind of college students write. The truth is that college students are more likely to have strong opinions than the average person. This means that you have to ensure that you get a wide range of opinion throughout your essay. This means that you need to be able to cover the whole spectrum of students who write college essay topics.It is also important to remember that, no matter how good of a writer you may be, if your topic does not appeal to the college audience, it will be of no use. This is one of the most common mistakes made by people who try to create a persuasive essay topic.The second thing that you need to do to help your school related, persuasive essay topics is to make sure that you understand the facts about the specific school you are trying to reach out to. For example, if you are targeting a class of students who have no interest in sports, it is going to be difficult for you to push your opinion in a more positive light. You should try to focus on a school that will not necessarily have this issue as part of their curriculum.Lastly, when you choose a subject for your essay, think about what it means to your target audience. Most people are not really too concerned with the actual content of your essay, but rather the message. If you are targeting a group of students who are the same age and who all grew up in similar environments, you may want to consider using the same topic because it will not only better relate your essay to them, but will also be easier for them to read.You should also consider the look and feel of the school. Schools like Ivy League schools are much more polished than a typical high school, so try to include as much information about the style and overall experience of the school when creating your essay.These are the things that you should consider when creating your essay. A good school related, persuasive essay topics can certainly turn into a great school related persuasive essay topic if you are willing to put the time and effort into your project.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Seahorse Facts Habitat, Behavior, Diet
Seahorses (Hippocampus spp of the family Syngnathidae) are fascinating examples of bony fish. They have a unique body morphology with a horse-shaped head, large eyes, curved trunk, and a prehensile tail. Even though these charismatic creatures are banned as trade items, they are still heavily traded in the illicit international markets. Fast Facts: Seahorses Scientific Name: Syngnathidae (Hippocampus spp)Common Name: SeahorseBasic Animal Group: FishSize: 1–14 inchesLifespan: 1–4 yearsDiet: CarnivoreHabitat: Temporal and tropical waters throughout the worldConservation Status: Not Evaluated Description After much debate over the years, scientists finally decided that seahorses are fish. They breathe using gills, have a swim bladder to control their buoyancy, and are classified in the Class Actinopterygii, the bony fish, which also includes larger fish such as cod and tuna. Seahorses have interlocking plates on the outsides of their bodies, and this covers a spine made of bone. While they have no tail fins, they have four other finsâ€â€one at the base of the tail, one under the belly, and one behind each cheek. Georgette Douwma/Getty Images Some seahorses, like the common pygmy seahorse, have shapes, sizes, and colors that allow them to blend in with their coral habitats. Others, such as the thorny seahorse, change color to blend in with their surroundings. According to the World Register of Marine Species, there are 53 species of seahorses (Hippocampus spp), though other sources number the existing species between 45 and 55. The taxonomy has proven difficult because seahorses dont vary a great deal from one species to another. They do, however, vary within the same species: Seahorses can and do change color and grow and lose skin filaments. Their size ranges from under 1 inch to 14 inches long. Seahorses are categorized in the family Syngnathidae, which includes pipefish and seadragons. Habitat and Range Seahorses are found in temperate and tropical waters throughout the world. Favorite seahorse habitats are coral reefs, seagrass beds, estuaries, and mangrove forests. Seahorses use their prehensile tails to anchor themselves to objects such as seaweed and branching corals. Despite their tendency to live in fairly shallow waters, seahorses are difficult to see in the wild, since they can remain very still and blend in with their surroundings. Diet and Behavior Although there is some variation based on species, in general, seahorses feed on plankton and tiny crustaceans such as amphipods, decapods, and mysids, as well as algae. Seahorses do not have stomachs, so food passes through their bodies very quickly, and they need to eat often, between 30 and 50 times a day. Although they are fish, seahorses are not great swimmers. Seahorses prefer to rest in one area, sometimes holding on to the same coral or seaweed for days. They beat their fins very quickly, up to 50 times a second, but they do not move quickly. They are able to move up, down, forward or backward. Reproduction and Offspring Many seahorses are monogamous, at least during a single breeding cycle. A myth perpetuates that seahorses mate for life, but this doesnt seem to be true. Unlike many other fish species, though, seahorses have a complex courtship ritual and may form a bond that lasts during the entire breeding season. The courtship involves an enchanting dance in which they entwine their tails​ and may change colors. Larger individualsâ€â€male and female bothâ€â€produce larger and more offspring, and there is some evidence for mate choice based on size. felicito rustique / Flickr Unlike any other species, male seahorses become pregnant and carry babies (called fry) to term. Females insert their eggs through an oviduct into the males brood pouch. The male wiggles to get the eggs into position, and once all the eggs are inserted, the male goes to a nearby coral or seaweed and grabs on with his tail to wait out gestation, which lasts 9–45 days. Males produce 100–300 young per pregnancy and while the main source of food to the embryos is the yolk of the egg, the males do provide additional sustenance. When its time to give birth, hell contort his body in contractions until the young are born, over a period of minutes or sometimes hours. Conservation Status The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has not as yet evaluated seahorse endangerment, but Hippocampus spp were among the first fishes brought under global trade restrictions in 1975. They are currently listed in Appendix II of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which allows exports of specimens only if they are sourced sustainably and legally. All countries which were historically exporting large numbers of them have since banned the export or are under CITES export suspensionsâ€â€some banned the export prior to 1975. Nevertheless, seahorses are still threatened by harvesting for use in aquariums, as curios, and in traditional Chinese medicine. Historic and recent fisheries and/or trade surveys in source countries with trade bans have all revealed persistent exports of dried seahorses through unofficial channels. Other threats include habitat destruction and pollution. Because they are hard to find in the wild, population sizes may not be well-known for many species.  Stuart Dee / Getty Images Seahorses and Humans Seahorses have been a topic of fascination for artists for centuries, and are still used in Asian traditional medicine. They are also kept in aquariums, although more aquarists are getting their seahorses from seahorse ranches now rather than from the wild. Author and marine biologist Helen Scales, Ph.D., said of seahorses in her book Poseidons Steed: They remind us that we rely on the seas not only to fill our dinner plates but also to feed our imaginations. Sources Faleiro, Filipa, et al. Size Does Matter: An Assessment of Reproductive Potential in Seahorses. Animal Reproduction Science 170 (2016): 61–67. Print.Foster, Sarah J., et al. Global Seahorse Trade Defies Export Bans under Cites Action and National Legislation. Marine Policy 103 (2019): 33–41. Print.International Protections for Seahorses Take Effect May 15. World Wildlife Fund, May 12, 2004.Koldewey, Heather J., and Keith M. Martin-Smith. A Global Review of Seahorse Aquaculture. Aquaculture 302.3 (2010): 131–52. Print.Scales, Helen. Poseidons Steed: The Story of Seahorses, From Myth to Reality. New York: Gotham Books, 2009.Sea Horse Facts. The Seahorse Trust.
Saturday, May 16, 2020
The Great Man Theory Was A Popular 19th Century Idea
Traditionally teams are built by putting a group of people together without considering many traits or characteristics about those people, then expecting them to work together in a productive manner. Often times this does not work well at all, particularly if the person in charge is unfamiliar with the team concept themselves. Teams have to be cohesive in their ability to make decisions and handle projects within their organization. Sometimes cohesiveness causes team members who are not adept at working with others to push back at the team and this causes friction within the team. Team building models have been developed over the years to make teams work. The problem of working teams has been something that researcher and theorists have been studying for years. Many of these researchers and theorists have developed a â€Å"standard†way to develop teams and team skills. A plethora of team development books have been written and team consulting firms have popped up all over the world. The Great Man Theory was a popular 19th century idea according to which history can be largely explained by the impact of great men, using their power in a way that had a decisive historical impact. These great men always had impressive results from their teams because of their leadership qualities. The historian Thomas Carlyle enforced this theory with his statement The history of the world is but the biography of great men. According to Carlyle, effective leaders are those gifted withShow MoreRelatedThe Big Red by Edgar Allan Poe1115 Words  | 5 PagesEdgar Allan Poe had a peculiar way with his work. He was adopted early in his life to b e spared from poverty and heartache (Roberts and Zweig 226). But in the Big Read it is stated that he still felt a satisfaction from women’s suffering. Poe just wanted to be a writer and followed his passion into judging others work to support himself (Roberts and Zweig 226). Some say that he is selfish and indulgent. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Blindness and Sight - Sight Versus Insight in Oedipus the...
Sight Versus Insight in Oedipus the King Anyone who has common sense will remember that the bewilderments of the eye are of two kinds, and arise from two causes, either from coming out of the light or from going into the light,which is true of the minds eye, quite as much as the bodily eye; and he who remembers this when he sees anyone whose vision is perplexed and weak, will not be too ready to laugh; he will ask whether that soul of man has come out of the brighter life, and is unable to see because unaccustomed to the dark, or having turned from darkness to the day is dazzled by excess light. And he will count the other one happy in his condition and state of being, and he will pity the other (Plato, The Republic)†¦show more content†¦Believing his knowledge and rationalism to be complete, he proclaims, I,/ Oedipus the ignorant,. . . stopped [the sphinx] -/ by using thought, (401-402). All the while, Oedipus unconsciously represses the lingering shadow of the prophecy, because the heinous transgressions of patricide and incest are incongruent with his conception of his ideal self, and therefore uncomfortable and even frightening. With time and circumstances seeming to obscure the prophecy and confirm Oedipus vision, Oedipus remains ignorant of his ignorance. In the eyes of his people and of himself, he is the paragon of virtue, a wise and noble king. Oedipus incomplete knowledge contributes to his hamartia, breeding hubris and leading him to declare, But I who count myself the child of Chance,/ the giver of good, shall never know dishonor (1085-1086). Although Oedipus hubris [is] directed toward the good of his polis, (Bull, 6) it also gives him the irrational forthrightness that lets him strike out against truth, mistakenly and ironically accusing Tiresias of being the child of endless night, (379) blind in [his] ears, [his] reason, and [his] eyes (376). The accusations of Tiresias motivate Oedipus to seek the truth, and after his intensive interrogation of three witnessesShow MoreRelatedA POSITION PAPER ON SOPHOCLES’ OEDIPUS REX2713 Words  | 11 PagesTHE KING WEARS A SHADES AS THE SUN SHINES BRIGHT WHICH MAKES HIS DAYS DARKER AND DARKER EVERY SINGLE DAY (with some relations to the Philippine Government and setting as a whole) A POSITION PAPER ON SOPHOCLES’ OEDIPUS REX REGULANO, Jean Paula Bermudez 2011-05787 HUM 1 X Oedipus Rex’ knowledge, which served as his gut against the others to be the King of Thebes, is only limited to the information on his people and his environment, excluding the information about himself due to his blindness andRead MoreLiterature: Compare and Contrast - Literary Devices5483 Words  | 22 Pagesliterary works by authors of all ages, writing non-fiction and fictional stories, poetry, and essays. The act of analyzing two different authors by both comparing their work and isolating their contrasting elements, can be difficult, yet rewarding. Oedipus Rex (Sophocles), written in 429 B.C., offers the authors use of Greek Mythology, oracles, Greek gods, deception, and murder. Throughout the series of events, the reader is given clues to the true identity of the murderer resulting in a traumatic climax
Obstructive Sleep Apnea ( Osa ) - 1220 Words
Obstructive sleep apnea: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a sleep–breathing disorder characterized by momentary episodes of either complete breathing cessation for periods of ten seconds or more (apnea) or significant reductions in breathing amplitude (hypopnea) caused by a collapsed or obstructed airway; these two conditions can lead to hypoxemia (low levels of oxygen in blood) and hypercapnia (high levels of carbon dioxide in blood). Patients are categorized as having mild, moderate or severe OSA depending on the apnea/hypopnea index (AHI), which is defined as the total numbers of apnea/hypopnea episodes per hour of sleep. In normal individuals the index is usually 5 or lower, 5-15 in mild, 15-30 in moderate and 30 or more in severe OSA patients (1, 2). In patients with mild OSA the oxyhemoglobin saturation drops to 95% and can drop below 80% in severe cases. Obstruction of the airways results in greater breathing effort and fluctuations in intrathoracic pressure, resulting in arousal, sleep interru ption and reopening of the airway (3). Risk factors for sleep apnea include obesity, craniofacial abnormalities, smoking, male gender, short neck, and menopause in women. Obesity is one of the main risk factors of sleep apnea since 60% to 90% of OSA patients are obese and there is a strong positive correlation between body mass index (BMI) and OSA (4, 5). The overlap of obesity and OSA poses a challenge to ascribing the relative contributions of these comorbidities toShow MoreRelatedObstructive Sleep Apnea ( Osa ) Essay938 Words  | 4 PagesObstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a major health problem, as more than 22 million adults in the U.S suffer from OSA.1 The prevalence of moderate to severe OSA in older adults aged 65 and over is twice as high as that in middle-aged adults.2 Unfortunately, estimates suggest that 85% of individuals with moderate to severe OSA remain undiagnosed.3 Individuals with untreated moderate to severe OSA are at a greater risk for depression (DEP), mild cognitive impairment (MCI), and dementia compared to individualsRead MoreObstructive Sleep Apnea ( Osa )1602 Words  | 7 PagesABSTRACT: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is an ever-increasing problem affecting millions of people in the United States. The prevalence of OSA has risen drastically over the past few decades concurrently with the increasing prevalence of obesity. Subsequently, there has been an ever-increasing rise in the use of CPAP. While there are many adverse effects to the use of CPAP, the majority are described as being relatively benign. Here we discuss a case of significant sudden sensorineural hearingRead MoreObstructive Sleep Apnea ( Osa )1199 Words  | 5 Pages INTRODUCTION Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a primary sleep disorder caused by repeated partial or complete upper airway collapse despite an ongoing effort to breathe during sleep. It is estimated that 22 millions of Americans suffer from OSA; 80% of men and 93% of women with moderate to severe OSA have not been diagnosed. There is a higher prevalence of moderate to severe OSA in the elderly (aged 65 or older) than in other age groups.[1] In patients with OSA, there are high rates of depressionRead MoreObstructive Sleep Apnea ( Osa )2044 Words  | 9 PagesAlthough obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is known to be a common form of sleep-disordered breathing and increase the overall risk of mortality by one and a half times in serious cases, many patients with OSA remain undiagnosed and unrecognized by healthcare professionals (Stuart et al, 2013). Depending on the source, up to approximately 10% of women and 25% of men have OSA, while the overall prevalence of OSA in the general population is bet ween 3% and 7%. OSA is more common in individuals who areRead MoreOsa Case Study976 Words  | 4 PagesThe consequences of undiagnosed and untreated OSA are medically serious and economically costly. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) is considered the gold standard of treatment for OSA along with lifestyle modifications. With CPAP use, patients can reduce their healthcare utilization and save money by reducing the impact of OSA symptoms, comorbidities, and motor vehicle accidents. Direct costs associated with comorbidities include increased medical expenses, emergency room visits, hospitalRead MoreRisk Factors For Cardiovascular Disease957 Words  | 4 Pagesand according to the literature, the numbers of cases are increasing (Martinez-Garcia et al. 2013). As of recent, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) has been recognized as a risk factor in the development of hypertension according to European and US International guidelines (Pepin et al. 2014). Obstructive sleep apnea is characterized by the collapse of the upper airway during sleep, consequently ending in intermittent asphyxia. Moreover, this disruption increases brain arousal, transient hypoxemiaRead MoreObstructive Sleep Apnea620 Words  | 3 Pages Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is when someone is experiencing episodes of cessation of breaths during sleep because of their upper airway relaxing and obstructing air flow during sleep. The episodes usually last for ten seconds or greater and is usually accompanied with a decreased oxygen saturation. Although the airway is relaxed and obstructing airflow, the body (brain) is still attempting to breathe. When breathing has resumed from its apneic state, there is usually a loud gasping snore and orRead MoreStudy Design And Population Of Pediatric Sleep Centre1676 Words  | 7 PagesMETHODS Study design and population This is a prospective case series study that enrolled 66 children aged 5 − 18 years who were presented with nocturnal enuresis (NE). The study was conducted in two centers; Pediatric Sleep Centre (Rome, Italy) where 28 children enrolled and Alexandria Main University Hospital (Alexandria, Egypt) where 38 children enrolled. All children with evidence of urinary tract infection, urinary tract anatomical abnormalities, associated chromosomal syndromes, intellectualRead MoreObstructive Sleep Apnea At School Aged Children Presented With Nocturnal Enuresis2104 Words  | 9 PagesObstructive sleep apnea in school aged children presented with nocturnal enuresis INTRODUCTION Obstructive sleep-disordered breathing (SDB) is an abnormal breathing pattern during sleep characterized by snoring and increased respiratory effort and with variable severity where obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) constitutes the most severe form of it. Childhood OSA has been accepted recently to be associated with numerous adverse health outcomes, including both cognitive and behavioural deficits. (1)Read MoreResearch Critique, Part 2: Critique of Quantitative Research Article1077 Words  | 5 PagesAugust 26, 2012 Research Critique, Part 2: Critique of Quantitative Research Article The population who are diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) often experience daytime drowsiness and are at risk for ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias, hypertension, and other vascular related problems (Hsu et al., 2007). There are several treatment options for people with OSA, which are weight loss, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), dental appliances, and surgical procedure. This study evaluates
Significant factors Essay Example For Students
Significant factors Essay In the first experiment data was collected from 306 pupils in Years 2-6 (7 to 11 years) in an urban primary school in Hull. Words were randomly assigned to 5 lists of 30 words, administered by class teachers as spelling tests on 5 consecutive days. Only perfect responses were accepted, thus scoring was consistent. To determine how the 4 factors contributed to spelling difficulty, data analysis was carried out using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), (p.20), applying regression methods, the degree of association between the variables. As details of the SPSS are not available one must assume such a standardised measure is appropriate for the purpose. According to Spencer all factors were significant in Years 2 to 6, apart from word frequency in Year 4 and phonemic length in Year 6. The 4 factors accounted for 40% to 60% of spelling variability. When data was combined and re-analysed, the factors accounted for 63% of the variability of spelling the150 words by all children. However, there is no evidence to support this, raising doubt about reliability. Mean spelling scores for all Years are given (Table 2, p. 20), but there is no indication of each Year Groups spelling performance for the three lists. Thus there is no reliable evidence that: after two years of extra schooling, the least able 9-year olds have only reached the same level of proficiency on the moderate words than the 7-year olds had attained on the easy words. Instead, Spencer analysed individual words to determine the percentage spelled correctly and expressed the results as ranges. This fails to give a representative picture and is inconclusive, particularly as the range for difficult words is wide, from 33.8% (course) to 80.1% (by). An overall score for each type of list would have been more informative. The influence of the factors is presented in terms of mean values. Children experienced increasing difficulty with uncommon words, but tricky phonemes and phonetic difference were the two most significant factors. Words with obscure phonemic representations were more difficult to spell, with 55% in the easy category spelled correctly but only 12% in the difficult, (Figure 1a, p. 21). As the number of letters per phoneme increased spelling performance deteriorated, (Figure 1b, p. 21). The impact of obscure phonemic forms was particularly noticeable with less able children, only 65% of whom in each year group were able to spell easy words and 10% could spell difficult words (p. 22). In this instance results for the least able pupils in each Year Group are presented as a table (Figure 2, p. 22), clearly showing how performance fell as words became more difficult. In a second experiment reading data from a class of 28, Year 2 children in a similar Hull school was analysed for the same factors. The results indicated that all are significant, but explain less of the variability in reading difficulty: reading 42% spelling 62% (p.23). Low phoneticity assisted performance, but again tricky phonemes and phonetic difference had the strongest negative effect. Spencer highlighted the difficulties in acquiring common words that constitute 50% of texts. He suggested that the irregularity of English affects the acquisition of decoding skills, speed and accuracy, as well as lexical recall. Without rules to aid assimilation or facilitate word building unfamiliar words must be deciphered. This affects processing, hinders progress and affects less able children who cannot self-teach. Spencer thus asserts that without external support: many children will be prevented from making progress. (P. 24) Spencer studied words from The British American English Corpus, (Hofland and Johannson, 1982) commonly used in linguistic studies (Sampson, 1997; Sanhofer, Smith and Luo, 2000), which thus appears to be a sound basis and his findings are plausible. However, there are doubts about the reliability of the results and a possible weakness in the design, which Spencer acknowledged: This is not a longitudinal study. (op cit, p. 22). Year 2 pupils ability to spell is compared with the performance of Year 6 children and the conclusion reached is that: After 3 extra years, the least able 10-year olds are still having problems with the difficult words and (have) not reached the same level of proficiency that the 7-year olds reached for the easy words.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Marketing Plan Contemporary Strategy Analysis
Question: Discuss about the Marketing Plan for Contemporary Strategy Analysis. Answer: Introduction: 3M Australia has once again come up with a new scientific gadget much taking care with their tagline Scienceis just science. Until you make it improve the world. ( 2016), an Air Filter, 220V Jupiter powered. The product comes up with some exclusive facilities that can protect or caution the users even in high-contaminated areas. However, to re-launch the unit among the people it is very important to take up a detailed analysis of the market long with the facilities and the weaknesses of the products. The following plan observes and analyses several aspects of the product to re-launch it with sufficient marketing and a detailed analysis to keep up with the queries and demands of the customers. SWOT Analysis: Strength: The greatest strength of the product that the company must hit to attract the attention of the customers is its lightweight, exclusive facilities and securities in contaminated areas. The design and alarm (both visual and audible) points towards the low battery or low airflow for the users to take up alternative arrangements. The weight allows the users to move the product freely anywhere. 3M Australia itself stands as a reputed and trusted corporation in terms of scientific gadgets and technological factors. That will act to be an additional benefit to put the trust of the target market on the product. Weakness: Only weakness the product might suffer is the lack of auto clean facility, a common phenomenon in Air Filter segment and the concerned product is no exception. It is obvious that the owners, corporations and the household established in contaminated areas (industrial waste, dust, vapor, fumes etc) will prefer an automatic product for it might be monotonous for them to clean the Filter frequently. Through the product provides ample facilities, the manual cleaning system will cause discomfort in them that might result in avoiding the product. Opportunities: If the problems are solved, the product will have a vast exposure of opportunities in front of it. Undoubtedly, the Filter unit runs in it variety of facilities much progressed from the other existing products in the market. It can be greatly acceptable to the corporations, owners and domestic purposes which deal with contamination everyday especially for the offices and household established in the contaminated areas. The women especially housewives might serve to be great opportunities for the product as the demand of the product is huge mainly in the domestic (household) sphere. Threats: The already existing air Filters can be threatening in the acquiring of the market of a new product. Already there are companies like InovaAir, Air Cleaners Australia, the Australian Market has already a variety of air respirator masks with different powered units. Examples include EnvironAir 300, Blueair 650E etc. A new product might not be well accepted. The marketing plan will be important therefore to create the faith and a hold on the market. Objectives and Goals: The primary and most important target of the product will be to take up at least 40% of the market in the next 2 years. For the initial result the plan focuses to get a considerable (30-35%) hold of the market within the next 12 months and generate a revenue of minimum 10-15% of the expenses in the Home Market. Marketing Mix Analysis (4P Model): Product: 3M Australia is a well-known and reputed corporation, famous for their technological progress and gadgets. The concerned product is an Air Filter, Jupiter powered 220V. The filtering Unit comes up with gas and air filter, thus it provides the user respiratory protection against contaminations especially to the allergy and asthma patients, and the lightweight provides the user the freedom of movement. The filter cover prevents damages and the particles from entering into the filter to mention a few. The product might serve to be a big thing in the segment of filter gadgets. Only the issue of the manual cleaning system will need a keen attention of the production team. Promotion: To choose a promotional plan for the product to re-launch it is first important to choose a class or group to be targeted as the primary base to get hold of the market. For the Air Filter Unit, the primary base to be targeted can be the houses especially those who are exposed regularly in the contaminated of industrial air and the owners of the several corporations releasing contaminated wastes. The promotion will be two fold. First teams must take individual interviews and surveys to understand the requirements and the needs that still exist among the people especially housewives regarding their respirator masks. For in the market there has already been multiple Air Filter Units, the marketing team must find the gap in the needs and provides to establish the importance of the product. The reviews will help in attracting the concerned market towards the product (Wilson and Gilligan 2012). Moreover, some products can be provided to some selected corporations and households inviting to test them before launch. It will be hitting on the demands they have revealed in their opinions. The ladies can be subjected to a mock season for testing the filtering process of the Unit. This will implement the idea that the product uses no Ozone Oxidation,. The brand name 3M Australia will be helpful in this matter to draw the faith (Grant 2016). Advertisements in the online sites as an upcoming product will be helpful to evoke the interest of the targets. Price: Since the product mainly concerns with the household and personal purposes and already has threats of competition from the other products the price needs to be comparatively less than the other existing products. For the initial launch, discounts can be announced up to 20% and for the commercial filters up to 30% of discount can be marked. For the stores selling the product to encourage the selling a special commission amount will be helpful to increase the sell. Place: It will be important for the company to make the Home Market strong first for the product. Since 3M Australia has already established a strong hold in Australia and a trusted position, it will helpful for the product to first get a hold of the market on Australia itself. Especially the residential and metal processing areas of Brisbane, Perth, Sydney, and Adelaide must be kept in focus for the distribution of the products in stores. Managers for the commercial filters and ladies for the home air purifiers from the residential areas of Perth, Sydney and Brisbane can be invited to test the product before re-launching. The e-commerce sites as well as the official online commercial site of 3M Australia will be helpful in distributing the product. Conclusion: However, it is thus important that the marketing plan must be implemented properly to get a hold of the primary market for the product. The plans need to be applicable as soon as possible, especially the surveys must start soon for on them depends a huge portion of the marketing plan. If followed properly as the theoretical calculations reveals within the 2 years span the product (Jupiter Air filter Unit) will reach its targeted position to cover the 50% of the primary market leading them to be the most preferred product of the segment. Reference: "The Threats To Outdoor Air Quality - US Air Purifiers".US Air Purifiers. N.p., 2014. Web. 13 Sept. 2016. (2016).3M Science. Applied to Life. | 3M Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. (2016).Supplied Air Respirators (SCBA) | MSA - The Safety Company | Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Sep. 2016]. board, california. "Hazardous Ozone-Generating "Air Purifiers"" N.p., 2016. Web. 13 Sept. 2016. Grant, R.M., 2016.Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons. Huang, R. and Sarigll, E., 2014. How brand awareness relates to market outcome, brand equity, and the marketing mix. InFashion Branding and Consumer Behaviors(pp. 113-132). Springer New York. Kotler, P., Burton, S., Deans, K., Brown, L. and Armstrong, G., 2015.Marketing. Pearson Higher Education AU. Wilson, R.M. and Gilligan, C., 2012.Strategic marketing management. Routledge.
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
Art Histroy... compare and contrast.. two art works.. essays
Art Histroy... compare and contrast.. two art works.. essays The Nineteenth Century European Paintings and Sculpture Galleries Van Gogh, Flowering Orchard (56.13), Annenberg Van Gogh Gallery Monet, The Four Trees (29.100.110), Annenberg Monet Gallery Visual perception is a function of our eyes and brain. We see images as a whole rather then in parts. However, images can be broken into their visual elements: line, shape, texture, and color. These elements are to images as grammars are to languages. They, together, allow our eyes to see images and our brain to recognize those objects. In this compare and contrast essay between the Works of Vincent Van Gogh and Claude Monet French-born Post-Impressionist painter, Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) and the French, Claude Monet (1840-1926), both painted vibrant and expressive paintings during the twentieth-century. In this case, the chosen paintings are Van Gogh "Flowering Orchard", 1888 and Monet "The Four Trees", 1891. Both of these compositions are painting. Nothing is of more importance than the Flowering orchard. The orchard in Van Goghs painting, dominated by the rich, red-brown tree growing in the foreground, reaching out and upward with delicate searching branches. All of which give the flowering orchard an emerald expanse of grass carpeting the ground expression. In Monets case, the four trees were created solely with the use of layered similar colors close to each other. and a very random synthetist outline technique (a similar technique the post-impressionist painter Gaugin used). Modigliani outlines his figure moreso in black than Villon. Mme. Fulgence's age is understood by the strong dynamic colour quality that has been used to break her face apart. In a way, these colourful divisions act as wrinkles. For instance, the chunk of layered pink on her lip creates a scowl and the heavily applied white on her nose helps it to seem upright; a 'snobbish' upturn. Colours such as the oran ge, have been used to highlight her l...
Sunday, April 12, 2020
The Conclusion For A Persuasive Essay Sample
The Conclusion For A Persuasive Essay SampleThe conclusion for a persuasive essay sample is the conclusion that is given after a student has written his or her own ideas and has been fully convinced of their truth. This is often the one line that all aspiring writers will have to address. In many cases, it can be a lengthy sentence. Here are some key points to make:When you're finished with this line, you are in a position to write a new essay that you've done well this school year. That is, a new college essay, or an honors thesis. This is the point at which you, as a writer, begin to really excel. Remember that this is a final-attempt essay.Writing a conclusion for a persuasive essay sample can be a very exciting time. The student who gets it right is a writer of immense influence. You'll be the person that most readers will be turned to when they want to solve a dilemma. And by the time they get there, it is because you and your school essay have had such a dramatic impact on thei r lives.Lastly, you should strive to finish your essay. It will make things go much more smoothly, and it will help make you a better writer. Also, completing your essay is probably the best way to show you're a serious student.Begin by writing a first draft for your own paragraph. Afterward, you can split this paragraph into parts. The first part can be the introduction. This is where you really get started. The key here is to explain what you know about your topic, and how you intend to contribute to the topic.At the end of your paragraph, finish with an affirmation. Here, you are trying to convince the reader to take action. This is where you make your student pen you out as a brilliant writer. Besides persuading the reader to read further, you're also trying to get them to take action to do something. Remember, this is not just a run-of-the-mill essay.Beginning is always the hardest part. Take it easy, and don't get worried about the beginning. If you practice and read often, yo u'll soon get it. The concluding part of any essay is perhaps the most important part.
Thursday, March 12, 2020
Progressives essay
Progressives essay Progressives essay Progressives essayAnswering the question about the Progressives, it is good to note that the Progressives present a specific group of people who were inspired by ideas of reformation of the country, so they tried to implement their ideas into practice in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Plunging into the history of the country’s development, we see that only a limited group of people owned the wealth in America, while others were experiencing hardships on their way to better life, having low wages, dangerous working places and long working hours. Thus, the Progressives saw their main goals in changing the situation in the society, helping ordinary people (laborers) and providing the growth of American industry. According to Zinn, representatives of the Progressives made all possible to â€Å"stabilize the capitalist system by repairing its worst defects and restore some measure of class peace in a time of increasingly bitter clashes between capital and labor†(Zi nn 354).Exploring historical evidence, it can be said that the Progressives â€Å"offered an impressive array of reform proposals†because the country needed changes and reforms were the only way to success and further development. The society needed redistribution of social goods because laborers, who worked all day long, have had very low wages and they were barely able to â€Å"kept their families alive†(Zinn 257). In such a way, people were forced to spend all their time at the work for low wages, while employers received very good profits, improving their life and becoming richer.In the Gilded age and Progressive Era, even week-ends were canceled, and laborers toiled for up to 80 hours per week. It is important to note that working conditions were very bad and people died at their working places on many reasons, including fires as it had happened at the Triangle Shirtwaist factory. The fire was caused by violation of simple safety rules, and 146 women were killed in a raging fire (Loewen 205). So, the Progressive Era was the period of many tragedies because people needed to survive, and they had no choice in choosing working places. Moreover, the government was heavily corrupted at all stages, and bribes solved many issues during the Gilded Age. To illustrate this fact, Zinn wrote the following: â€Å"Corruption dominates the ballot box, the legislatures, the Congress, and touches even the ermine of the bench†(Zinn 288). So, the quote illustrates that all branches of power were corrupted and were not able to provide their direct functions in protecting people and working for their wealth and prosperity.Having the above mentioned in mind, the Progressives were tried to change the system of power, to transform it, and they were fought for the centralization of authority. Moreover, the Progressives pushed for several Constitutional amendments for the purpose of changing the life of laborers and protecting people from violation of their basic human rights. For instance, the 18th Amendment allowed beginning of the period of Prohibition, while the 19th Amendment promoted women’s suffrage. Thus, it can be said that the Progressives really influenced the life of ordinary people and fought against poverty, sexism, racism and large corporation which use people only for gaining more profits.In summary, the Progressives were rather successful in their reforms and they changed the society making Americans a little bit kinder and gentler nation. Of course, it was hard to change everything in a fast period of time, so factory conditions stayed at the same level but even all those reforms that were implemented into practice greatly influenced the life of American citizens, especially nowadays. Owing to the Progressives, American laborers received a hope for changes, they received new forces to continue their struggle against the existing regime and it was a good sign for further development and prosperity.
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Jamie Turner Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Jamie Turner - Assignment Example At present, Jamie is feeling the emotional affects of the attacks that Cardullo and the people who work for him like Julie chin are aiming at him. Subtle kinds of sabotage, unfortunately, are quit common in all organizations when new corporate heads are appointed to oversee large divisions. The new candidate, though, ought to remain emotionally mature while navigating the ‘landmines’ that those who are envious of him place in his path. Jamie educational accomplishments, along with his experience, mean that wherever he goes, he is likely to be offered senior positions. This means that he may encounter envy from less accomplished executives wherever he goes. He might as well choose to make the best of his current position at MLI because this is a problem that he will encounter even if he chooses to go to another company. Jamie Turner should also learn to assert his authority and stand up to people like Cardullo even at the cost of endangering his job. Cardullo is not likely to stop subtly seeking to sabotage Jamie even if Jamie emphasizes on obeying his every law. If a stand-off that requires the intervention of more senior managers like Arthur Lipsky occurs, Jamie’s abilities and accomplishments will speak for him and put him in a good stead. It is also unlikely that Cardullo’s seniors have not recognized his tendency to try and impair the contributions as well as projects of people that he appoints- particularly if they appear to have more skill than he does. 2. Using the "Coaching the Alpha Male", "Courage to Confront", and "Fear of Feedback" readings as well as others we have discussed in this course as a guide, how you advise Jamie Turner to deal with the relationships he is experiencing in the workplace? Be specific to demonstrate that you have identified the interpersonal issues and provide a strategy for him to effectively
Sunday, February 9, 2020
Teens and Guns Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Teens and Guns - Essay Example "In addition, during this same period, the number of juvenile arrests for weapons violations increased 117 percent." ("Reduce", n.d.). "When guns are the weapon of choice, juvenile violence becomes deadly." ("APA", 1993). The logical statistics show this to be true. During the period between 1976-1991, firearms were used by 65% of juvenile homicide offenders, and firearms were used in nearly 8 out of every 10 juvenile homicides in 1991, compared with 6 out of every 10 in 1976. Between 1979 and the present day, the rate of suicide among youth ages 15 to 19 increased over 31 percent, and firearms were used in 6 out of 10 of these suicides. Depression is statistically at a significantly high level among the youth of today; research has shown that approximately 1 in 5 teens will have at least one episode of major depression by the time they are 18 years of age. Depressed teens are at more risk for suicide, and research shows that teens and preteens commit suicide with guns more than any other method. "When teenagers are angry or depressed, they are more likely to kill themselves or harm themselves or others if they can easily get a gun." ("Focus", 2000). Violence is a learned behavior, and children learn this behavior from their family and their peers, as well as from items of media such as television, music, movie videos, and video games. Another form of learned violence occurs when a child is brought up in an abusive home, where they see violence or when they are physically or sexually abused themselves. Research studies have in fact shown that violent behavior can be decreased or even prevented if factors such as these were eliminated. Studies also show that if you have a gun in your home, you are 5 times more likely to have a suicide in your house than homes without a gun. In relation to this, there is a stance against guns which believes that there should be much stronger gun control laws, and that the subject of teens and guns should be taken significantly into consideration. Those who are involved in this stance believe that the only way to make a positive change in the current situation of teens and guns is by reducing the environment of fear and that in order to achieve the greatest reduction in the number of weapon-carrying youth is by directing any and all efforts at the most frequent weapon carriers. It is believed by Alfred Blumstein (2002) that "the dynamics are extremely different when a handgun is present; the conflict escalates well before anyone can retreat or intervene. Once handguns become prevalent in a neighborhood, each person who carries one has an incentive to make a preemptive strike before his adversary does." Blumstein's observations also suggest that "the growth in homicide committed by young people during the 1980s was attributable more to the weapons they used than to the emergence of inadequately socialized cohorts of 'super predators'." In retaliation against those who comprise guns and say that they are at fault for the strikingly high crime, homicide, and suicide rates among teens; these people attempt to make strong points such as that "cars kill more teens than guns. Alcohol kills more teens than guns. Disease kills more teens than guns." (Glover, 1999). The aim of those involved in this stance is to make known that guns are in fact not the leading killer among teens, and that the 'real' sources should be properly identified
Thursday, January 30, 2020
Mahatma Gandhi Essay Example for Free
Mahatma Gandhi Essay Mahatma Gandhi Leadership Style The Father of the Nation is now being held up as the master strategist, an exemplary leader, and someone whose ideas and tactics corporate India can emulate. Gandhi reinvented the rules of the game to deal with a situation where all the available existing methods had failed. He broke tradition. He understood that you cannot fight the British with force. So he decided to change the game in a fundamentally different way. He unleashed the power of ordinary people, inspired women and men in the country to fight under a unifying goal. Resource constraint did not bother him. That was the motivation. Gandhis leadership style is being termed as follower-centric and one that took into account existing conditions before determining the strategy. Gandhi advocated having leadership styles that were dependent on the circumstances. When Gandhi was in South Africa, he launched his protests in a suit and a tie. But when he came back to India, he thought of khadi (handspun and hand-woven cloth) and launched non-violent protests on a greater scale, It shows that Gandhi’s leadership style was situational leadership style. A Quote from the book: Count your chickens before they hatch by Arindam Chaudhuri Mahatma Gandhis example to me is a perfect case of adopting styles to suit the culture. The country today stands divided on whether what he did was good or bad I just know one thing: there was never a leader before him nor one after him who could unite us all and bring us out in the streets to demand for what was rightfully ours. To me, he is the greatest leader our land has ever seen. It is Theory I management at its practical best: productively and intelligently utilizing whatever the resource you are endowed with, says Chaudari.
Wednesday, January 22, 2020
Harley davidson analysis Essay -- essays research papers
1. COMPANY OVERVIEW Harley Davidson Inc. was found in 1903 by William S. Harley and Davidson brothers- Walter and Arthur. Since then the company has produced the most recognized motorcycles in the world. The company has been named to Fortune’s list of â€Å"100 Best Companies to work for†. The company has also been ranked #3 in automotive quality behind Rolls-Royce and Mercedes Benz by Harris Interactive, a worldwide market research and consulting firm. Harley-Davidson, Inc. is the parent company for the group of companies namely Harley-Davidson Motor Company, Buell Motorcycle Company and Harley-Davidson Financial Services. Harley-Davidson Motor Company, the only major U.S.-based motorcycle manufacturer, produces heavyweight motorcycles and offers a complete line of motorcycle parts, accessories, apparel, and general merchandise. Buell Motorcycle Company produces sport motorcycles. Harley-Davidson Financial Services provides wholesale and retail financing and insurance programs to Harley-Davidson dealers and customers.      Jeffrey L. Bleustein is chairman of the board and CEO of Harley Davidson Inc..      There are more than 1,300 Harley-Davidson dealerships in 48 countries worldwide.      The company has employed 8,000 people worldwide and the corporate headquarters located in Milwaukee, Wis; East Toy and Tomawauk, Wis; York Pa; and Kansas City, Mo. Other key business operations are located in Chicago, III.; Franklin, Wis.; Talladega, Ala; Highland Heights, Ohio; Ann Arbor, Mich.; Carson City, Nev.; and Plano, Tex.      Harley-Davidson maintains operation in strategic international markets throughout Europe, and in Brazil and Japan to support its worldwide dealer and distributor network. Source of revenues for Harley Davidson : -     Selling motorcycles -     Harley Davidson financial service -     Parts and accessories 2. VISION, MISSION AND GOALS Vision To dedicate, to grow value and strengthen the brand, Harley-Davidson deliver products and deliver the services that fulfill dreams. Mission To fulfill dreams through the experiences of motorcycling by providing motorcycles and to the general public an expanding line of motorcycles... ...buyers (increased from 2% total sales before adopting to 9% in 2003). The company found that woman more likely to purchase after taking training course      Financial service to make it more affordable Operations The company’s expansion plan of its York and Pennsylvania expects to allow the company to increase production to 400,000 units by 2007. Distribution      Through dealerships      Showrooms offer a large assortment of clothing items and accessories in addition to new motorcycles      Dealers are responsible for operating showrooms, stock parts and accessories.      161 dealers in Japan.      50 dealers and 3 distributors in Australia and New Zealand.      7 dealers in South East Asian and East market. Infrastructure      Public listed company      Quality system      Strategy & planning are not clear
Monday, January 13, 2020
English paper Essay
Will Durant, a U. S author and historian, writes, â€Å"Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. †This means that all the knowledge people once had is misleading to what the truth really is. Similarly, in Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave†and Frederick Douglass’s â€Å"Learning to Read and Write†a painful process of gaining knowledge through all the ignorance is described. Plato describes a prisoner going on a journey to gain knowledge that is behind him, after he was stuck staring at a wall of shadows his whole life. He goes back to tell the other prisoners of his discoveries and they want to kill him. Douglass is a slave who learns to read and write, going through stages to achieve each step. As he begins gaining knowledge he finds the truth about slavery which startles him. Socrates’ idea that gaining knowledge is a difficult journey to undertake because by doing so it changes the way people see the world, as proven by Douglass’ experiences. In Plato’s â€Å"Allegory of the Cave†, Socrates illustrates a metaphorical story about attaining knowledge. He describes a cave with men who are chained, prisoners of the cave. They face a wall; that is all they can see because they cannot move their heads. They cannot even look behind them to see a walkway and a fire. As a person passes on the walkway, a shadow is projected onto the wall in front of the prisoners; this is all they know. Only the shadows are what is real to them because it’s all they have ever known. Socrates says, â€Å"How could they see anything but the shadows if they were never allowed to move their heads? †(Plato 479). The main point is that people cannot understand anything except what is being projected right in front of them. Socrates’ point is that society has a limited understanding of knowledge, and is ignorant about what is beyond the surroundings. To acquire knowledge of the truth beyond the cave, one prisoner is freed. As his eyes adjust to the light, he starts to see the real objects from the images that are projected onto the wall. He understands how the shadows were a false truth and just an illusion and he feels bad for the other prisoners still stuck in the cave. He understands that they are not seeing the truth. Socrates states, â€Å"What he saw before was an illusion†. So the prisoner returns to tell the others about his knew knowledge, but they couldn’t understand what they were being told. The other prisoners will not accept the knowledge the escapee has learned and my even put him to death. But the chained prisoners don’t understand that the whole world outside the cave is more real than the false illusions, or the shadows being projected onto the walls. Society doesn’t want to accept knew knowledge; people often resist changing what they know. Socrates’ prisoner goes through stages or the process of knowledge, which is also shown in Douglass. In the allegory, when the prisoner first leaves the cave he stares at the sun and cannot see; it takes time to get accustomed to the brightness. Socrates describes, â€Å"And first he will see the shadows best, next the reflections of men and other objects in the water, and then the objects themselves†(Plato 480). In time the prisoner will begin to understand the â€Å"realities†(Plato 480) that he is facing by going through the stages. This is shown in Douglass as well. Douglass is first taught to read by Mistress Hugh, but then she refuses to teach him. So Douglass turns to kids that he makes friends with to finish teaching him to read. Douglass Sates, â€Å"The light broke in upon me by degrees†(Douglass 73); in other words, education is being achieved in stages. This is like the prisoner going through a process of gaining knowledge. Once Douglass is introduced to reading, he teaches himself to write by tricking the white boys into helping him learn. The process endured outside the cave by the prisoner- or the process endured by Douglass- will be â€Å"tedious†(Douglass 74), and take time, but steps must be taken to gain any knowledge. The process of gaining knowledge can be painful; Socrates idea of pain by being enlightened is played out in Douglass. When the prisoner is in a cave he is comfortable with the shadows on the wall and his surroundings, but if the prisoner is freed he will feel pain: â€Å"And if he is compelled to look straight at the light, will he not have a pain in his eyes which will make him turn away to take refuge in the objects of visions which he can see†(Plato 480). The new knowledge that he will gain is so different than what he is used to. This can be seen likewise in Douglass as well. When Douglass learns to read he learns the truth of slavery which â€Å"tormented†(Douglass 71) him. He writes, â€Å"It opened my eyes to the horrible pit, but no ladder upon which to get out†This is similar to the prisoner leaving the cave. He understands slavery and his rights are taken away, they ways that they are taken from their homes and made into nothing is so cruelly wrong. This causes him great pain; the only thing he has to look forward to is the hope of being freed. Because becoming enlightened is a painful process, many will resist or challenge what they believe, as illustrated by Socrates and Douglass. After the prisoner goes on his journey of being enlightened, he goes back to the cave to tell his friends what he has learned, but they reject him. Socrates says, â€Å"If any one tried to lose another and lead him up to the light, let them only catch he offender, and they would put him to death†(Plato 482). The other prisoners think he is being â€Å"ridiculous†(Plato 481) and want to put him to death for his story about life outside the cave. They don’t understand that they are the ones trapped in ignorance and the freed prisoner is telling them the truth. This also plays out in Douglass. Mistress Hugh began by being a caring lady and teaching Douglass how to read, but slavery soon made a big impact on her. â€Å"I have had her rush at me with a face made all up of fury, and snatch from me a newspaper, in a manner that fully revealed her apprehension†( Douglass 70). The violence she projected toward Douglass when snatching the paper from him shows the resistance she now has toward him being educated. Many will resist being enlightened because society doesn’t like to change what they already know. While society tends to resist enlightenment, those who are enlightened cannot return to their former ignorance, and pities others who are stuck there; which is shown in Plato and Douglass. When the prisoner went on his journey after being freed from the cave he learned all about the false notions he was living in the cave. Socrates says, â€Å"And when he remembered his old habitation, and the wisdom of the den and his fellow-prisoners, do you not suppose that he would felicitate himself on the change, and pity them? †(Plato 481). The prisoner feels bad for the others because they are trapped in ignorance and cannot see the truth like he has. This is also shown in Douglass.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
Multicultural Management - 1144 Words
Multicultural Management , like usual management, requires supervision of the company so the thrift of the company to be kept. We know from Peter Drucker that exist five tasks so the job of the manager can be realized. And these tasks are planning (setting objectives), organizing, integrating (motivating and communicating), measuring performance and developing people. The same tasks consist even on the job of a multicultural manager except the difficulties that differ from those of a usual manager. According to (Brett) the challenges that a multicultural manager faces are divided into four categories : a) Direct vs. Indirect communication b) Trouble with accents and fluency c) Differing attitudes toward hierarchy and authority d)†¦show more content†¦The following survey shows how with great determination can According to a survey that was conducted with owners of large dairy farms in New York State, those managers who were most successful at management tended to adopt management practices that helped them to be effective. Some of the characteristics that were seen among the successful managers were : 1) Successful employers work aggressively to overcome the language barrier, including learning to speak the employee’s language. 2) Successful employers work aggressively to overcome the language barrier, including learning to speak Spanish themselves. 3) Successful employers develop an organizational culture that accepts and appreciates the differences that individual employees bring to the workplace. 4) Successful employers make every effort to hire employees who have legally entered the State (in which they work) and thereby avoid employee turnover due to deportation. 5) Successful employers establish employment policies and carefully communicate them so all employees understand the expectations for proper conduct on the job and on farm property. 6) Successful employers acknowledge their employees’ strong family ties and desire to return home periodically. 7) Successful employers support social and recreational activities for their foreign employees thatShow MoreRelatedMulticultural Team Creates Frustrating Management Situation821 Words  | 4 Pages1.Main purpose of the article: Multicultural team often creates frustrating management situation. 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