Saturday, August 31, 2019
The walam olum
Phenomena: is a fact, occurrence, or circumstance observed or observable Sentence: â€Å"Myths attempt to explain natural phenomena†(The Walam Olum) Sentence: The Walam Olum is explained in natural phenomena, based on the humans' origin, the customs, and the religion rites. 2. Pictographs: is a picture or symbol standing for a word or group of words Sentence: â€Å"Originally it consisted of a long series of pictographs explaining the origin of the Delaware people such as a result of the actions of a manito, or spirit. †(The Walam Olum) Sentence: The Walam Olum is represented by pictographs which explain how the Great Manito createdEarth. 3. Leisure: freedom from the demands of work or duty Sentence: â€Å"All had cheerful knowledge, all had leisure, all thought in gladness†(The Walam Olum) Sentence: The Great Manito fetched them food and many other things which left them to leisure. 4. Quarrel: an angry dispute or altercation; a disagreement marked by a tempo rary or permanent break in friendly relations Sentence: â€Å"And with him brought badness, quarreling, unhappiness. †(The Walam Olum) Sentence: Later, the Great Magician came to earth and brought quarreling. He brought many bad things like bad weather, sickness and also brought death. Ablution: a cleansing with water or other liquid, especially as a religious ritual. Sentence: â€Å"Soon after the ablutions were completed they heard the distant call of the approaching gods. †(The Navaho Origin Legend) Sentence: The people heard a call of the gods after they were done ablutions. 6. Protrude: to thrust forward , cause to project Sentence: â€Å"While the wind was blowing, eight of the Mirage People came and walked around the objects on the ground four times, and as they walked the eagle feathers, whose tips protruded from between the buckskins, were seen to move. †(The NavahoOrigin Legend) Sentence: After the eagle's feathers were protruded they walked up to t he buckskin, and saw that the corn had diapered and found a men and woman laying down there. 7. Constitution: the way in which a thing is composed; physical make-up; structure Sentence: â€Å"The Iroquois constitution outlines a system of laws and principles. †(The Iroquois Constitution) Sentence: The Iroquois constitution was spoken and not written; the constitution had to be presented in way that would catch the listener's attention. 8. Disposition: An inclination or tendency Sentence: â€Å"If any man or any nation the Five Nations shall obey the laws of the GreatPeace and make known their disposition to the lords of the confederacy, they made trace the roots to the tree and if their minds are clean and they are obedient and promise to obey the wishes of the confederate council, they shall be welcomed to take shelter beneath the Tree of the Long Leaves. †(The Iroquois Constitution) Sentence: 9. Confederacy: an alliance between persons, parties, states, etc. , for some purpose. Sentence: If any man or any nation the Five Nations shall obey the laws of the Great 10. Trivial: of very little importance or value; insignificant Sentence: â€Å"It shall be a rong for anyone to lead a lord into trivial affairs†¦ (The Iroquois Constitution) Sentence: Leading the lord into trivial affairs is considered to be wrong; they should respect their honorable position. 1 1 . Emblem: a sign, design, or figure that identifies or represents something Sentence: â€Å"We now do crown you with the sacred emblem of the deer's antlers, the emblem of your lordship†(The Iroquois Constitution) Sentence: He was crowned with emblem of the deer's antlers. He then, became the mentor of the Five Nations. 12. Deliberations : thoughtful, careful, or lengthy considerationSentence: â€Å"In all of your deliberations in the confederate council, in your efforts at law making, in all your official acts, self-interest shall be cast into your oblivion. â€Å"(The Iroqu ois Constitution) Sentence: All of his action will be deliberate carefully. 13. Oblivion: the condition of being forgotten or disregarded Sentence: â€Å"In all of your deliberations in the confederate council, in your efforts at law making, in all your official acts, self-interest shall be cast into your oblivion. †(The Iroquois Constitution) Sentence: All of his wrong act will be oblivion will be not only cast on him but also in his family.
Friday, August 30, 2019
It Is the Experiences of Childhood That Determines Who We Will Become. Discuss Essay
Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner enunciates how we become products of who we are when young. Amir, to win his father’s approval allows for the rape of his friend, Hassan to occur. In the process he becomes an insomniac. However Amir is able to redeem himself by rescuing Sohrab from further abuse by the Taliban. Similarly, Baba is never able to overcome his guilt of not acknowledging Hassan as his son, and thus leads a tormented life. Assef too, being a child with treacherous views grows to be a member of the Taliban. Amir, to win his father’s approval allows for the rape of Hassan to occur and becomes an insomniac as a result. Amir, believing Hassan is the ‘price (he) (has) to pay’, allows him to be raped, causing him to carry an enormous amount of guilt and shame with him, until he seeks redemption, forcing him to become an ‘insomniac’, as he is no longer able to be at peace with himself. By moving to America, Amir believes he can ‘bury (his) memories’ and forget the traumatic events of the winter of 1975. However, the amount of guilt Amir is carrying with him for not correcting his wrongdoings is what forces him to eventually return to Kabul and seek redemption. Amir, who is a ‘coward’ when a child, remains so until he is forced to sacrifice himself for Hassan, by facing Assef in order to rescue Sohrab, and ultimately gain redemption. Baba leads a tormented life as he is never able to overcome his guilt of not acknowledging Hassan as his son. Baba, because of his childhood, is never able to bring himself to admit that Hassan is own son and as a result is a ‘tortured soul’. Throughout his childhood, Baba growing up with Ali, becomes aware of the social inequalities between them, and this affects his inability to claim Hassan as his own son. Baba grows up with a sense of superiority at being a Pashtun, which is the biggest reason holding him back from owning up to his actions. As it is a ‘shameful situation’, Baba does much charitable work in order to achieve redemption, but nothing he does is able to overcome his guilt and shame at not giving Hassan the life he deserves, as a Pashtun. Assef, who has horrific thoughts and views as a child grows to be a member of the Taliban. Throughout his childhood, Assef bullies many of the neighbourhood children, being viewed as a ‘sociopath’, controlling them through his ‘stainless steel brass knuckles’, and keeping them at a fearful distance from himself. Assef has a shocking ‘vision’ of eradicating the Hazaras, and being a member of the Taliban years later, this is put into practice, when all the Hazaras in Mazar-i-Sharif are massacred. Assef, being a bully in childhood, obtains a sense of power through controlling those around him through a sense of fear, grows to be a member of the Taliban, who also control the country through the sense of fear they instill in their citizens of Afghanistan. Through Amir, who becomes an insomniac at his guilt and shame of not preventing a horrific crime, Baba, who is a tortured soul at not being able to admit to his actions, and Assef who grows up to be a member of the Taliban from being a bully, Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner demonstrates how we will grow up to be products of who we are when we are young.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Data Acquisition - Urban regenration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Data Acquisition - Urban regenration - Essay Example London City airport is located in the eastern part of London. It is between the Royal Albert Dock and the King George V Dock, two large docks that were built for heavy shipping and in a relatively populated area. It is also close to the Royal Victoria Dock. The redevelopment project will increase the size of the airport and the number of flights to the airport. It would also have good pollution, waste, and noise controls. There are plans to extensively increase the volume of public transportation to and form the airport. This would hopefully reduce the volume of automobile traffic and the need for a large road system. The plan is to build a larger airport that will serve aircraft well but will also not damage the surrounding neighborhoods, docks, or river with excessive pollution or traffic. To carry out this task, a variety of useful surveys will be used. These include an aerial survey, a picture of the finished airport, a geological survey, a hydrographic survey, a historical survey, a topographical survey, and a planning survey. All of these surveys have some importance, but some of the surveys are more useful for the project than others. Some of these surveys are vital, some very useful, and others less useful. The aerial survey is very useful to the project. It provides a visual photograph of the area around the airport. It reveals all of the landforms, buildings, and land uses around London City Airport. This is a very useful survey. If there are tall buildings, radio towers, mountains, or hills in the area around the airport it will be very difficult for airplanes to take off or land at the airport and a high risk of plane crashes. This could cause the project to be unfeasible. If there are residential neighborhoods near the airport they could be adversely affected by the noise from the aircraft. Any inhabited land that is very close to the airport might have to be bought
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Oil and the U.S. economy Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Oil and the U.S. economy - Assignment Example The US remains very dependent on these foreign oil reserves for its functioning economy which leaves us helpless to disruption. The US consumes more than 25% of the world’s oil and this is going up by 2% every year; 57% of this oil being consumed is imported from Canada, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, and Mexico (Churchill). What this means is the US is built around the use of oil for cheap, reliable energy. The US economy, from its most basic consumer base, cannot survive without it for very long. Despite the US’s clear dependence on foreign oil the US is less dependent on this oil as it was in 1973 and 1980. According to the New York Times, â€Å"the energy used for each dollar of gross domestic product in 1980 was almost 70 percent greater than it is today. While we have collectively wrung our hands over the decline of manufacturing in the country, it has also reduced the relationship between energy prices and growth†(Goolsbee). The US commuter is more dependent than ever though. People live farther from their work and drive more. Because fuel efficiency standards in the US stopped going up in 1990, fuel inefficiency creates a higher demand among US commuter for oil to fill their tanks. When oil prices go up dramatically like in summer of 2008 the US commuter was forced to make difficult choices, and the economy scaled back because the consumer was left in shock by such high prices. This oil shock was right before the economic downturn (Panzner). On the stock market commodity prices and stock prices have an interesting relationship. When commodities go down in value, stocks usually go up in value (Mitchell). This relationship causes some people to look at oil prices in relation to the US economy as a whole when thinking about where the US economy will be going. Oil prices are a big commodity that many analysts look at, and if oil prices change, commodities in general change. This is because oil
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 4
Law - Essay Example A contract is usually considered binding once the acceptance is made to the offer and communicated to the offeror. The rules apply to the negotiations that have been made till that point to know to what extend are the parties obliged to fulfill their promises. There is no halfway through, the negotiations will either be binding in the contract or not binding at all. An offer is communicated when the offeror indicates the terms on which he wants to make the offer such as the price of the goods, and gives a clear indication that he intends to be bound by those terms if accepted. Acceptance means that the offeree has unconditionally accepted all the terms of the contract put by the offeror (Andrews, 2011, p. 7). The second element of the contract is that the agreement made under offer and acceptance must not have vague or incomplete negotiations. The agreement must be certain to make sure that the contract is binding. For example when the offeror makes an offer saying that the salary will be mutually arranged between us, the courts hold no agreement between them since the agreement was not certain between them. Some of the factors that affect the certainty of a contract are provisions for clarification, the terms implied by statutes and the previous course of dealings. If there is a provision given to clear the terms later then the agreement will be binding. Secondly, if there are some terms that are implied by statutes though not being agreed by the parties, the contract will be binding. Thirdly, if there are some terms that are understood due to the previous dealings between the parties, the contract will be binding (Harriman, 2009, p. 13). The third element is the intention to create legal relations with the other party. If there will be no intention the courts will consider that no contract is valid between the parties. However if to the onlookers the parties seem to be intending to create
Monday, August 26, 2019
Humanistic Era Reflection paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Humanistic Era Reflection - Research Paper Example The ‘20s was a booming economic time. Employees had been pushed during The Classical Era to focus on meeting production demands and maximizing their efforts. The scientific methods were in place and the human element in the workplace was secondary. Management did not care how the worker was feeling at the end of the day. There were no regulations on the length of a work day or the number of breaks employees were entitled to. The company could demand and get whatever it wanted from the workers at that time, if that person wanted a job. Then the stock market crash came, followed by the Great Depression, and World War II. The employee was feeling very much at the employers’ mercy while at the same time dealing with the ups and downs of economic times. Pro-union legislation was put in place during The Humanistic Era, much as we know it today. The concept of the social person (a human existing within an organization as a person and a worker) and the relations between workers and managers did not exist prior to The Humanistic Era theorists. ... As the historical frame took place, leading from the scientific methods of measurement and driving the worker to be most productive, the worker became burdened with long work days and thoughtless management decisions. Theorists believed that workers needed more than simply a day’s pay to stay motivated to do more (McShane & Von Glinow, 2005). From a certain perspective, it is surprising that union legislation was instituted during this time in history as it doesn’t seem to fit with The Humanistic Era. Unions represent the group rather the individual person. However, as union representatives learned early on, a group of employees had more power with management than did one lone employee. Laws such as the Taft-Hartley Act (Labor-Management Relations Act) and The Wagner Act (National Labor Relations Act) (Noe et al., 2003) were part of the pro-union legislation that came to be during this era. The Wagner Act was put in place first, 1935, establishing the National Labor Rel ations Board (NLRB) and the general guidelines that continue to be used today in unionizing activities. Taft-Hartley Act (1947), was an amendment to The Wagner Act. This amendment allowed workers to report to work without being required to join the union. Simply put, The Wagner Act established the allowance for â€Å"right-to-work laws†. Some states have these laws and some do not. By law, all members in the jobs covered by the bargaining unit have to be covered by the same benefits, pay, and policies whether they are dues paying or not. This Amendment was passed to prevent coercion with those unsure as to whether they wanted to be part of a union. Mary Parker Follett published in 1924, the management theory that would â€Å"facilitate the growth of individuals and the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Legal Environment of BUSINESS FINAL EXAM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Legal Environment of BUSINESS FINAL EXAM - Essay Example On the other hand, the article contains guarantee for fitness of goods for the right use (Ferrari 43). This implies that the seller of a product should assure the buyer that the product will serve the intended purpose. In this case study, the seller bought software online from Ace Inc. according to Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, the buyer is entitled to enjoy products of merchantable quality and the product should serve the intended purpose (Saxon 93). However, it appears that the buyer has no problem with the quality and performance of the product. The buyer discards the software because the seller has offered it at a higher price than another seller of similar product. Therefore, basing my view on article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code, I believe John (buyer) has no reason for discarding the software because the seller has met all the requirements as stipulated in the article. John was supposed to examine different prices offered by different sellers in order to decide on where to buy the product. The fact that John bought the similar software from a different company implies that what Ace Inc met the warranties of merchantability and fit for the purpose (Ferrari 71). Also, these warranties apply to John because he bought the software from a company that was operating in the same field of business. According to the law of contract, the buyer owes the seller duty of acceptance of the product and payment of reasonable price (Ferrari 112). Therefore, John should accept the software and pay a reasonable price for the products. In case the buyer feels that the price was unfair, he should petition the court to decide on what the fair price will be in this situation. Question B: sale of goods Contracts The contract is for the sale of goods as stipulated in English Sale of Goods Act 1893 (Saxon 154). A contract for sale of goods involves an offer and an acceptance. In this case study, Ammco made an offer to sell merchandise worth more than $500.00 to Erm a. According to the requirements of the contract of for sale, Erma agreed to purchase the merchandise in writing hence fulfilling the contract requirement that sale of goods exceeding $5 should be in writing (Ferrari 154). The contract involved two parties, the seller and the buyer. In addition, the consideration of a contract for sale of goods should be in monetary value, and this was fulfilled in the case study because Erma agreed to pay more than $500. The contract for the sale of goods determines the moment when transfer of property in goods takes place because this determines when the risk in goods passes to the buyer and remedy available to each party in case the goods are damaged. This contract did not follow the actual procedure of forming a contract. The additional information given by the seller to the buyer constitutes a counter offer hence the contract is voidable at the will of the buyer (Ferrari 187). This implies that the contract will be formed between the buyer and the seller the moment the buyer will accept the new conditions stated by the seller. Should the buyer agree to pay for insurance and cost of freight, then there will be a conclusion of a contract under Cost Insurance and Freight (C.I.F). Under C.I.F contract, the buyer has a right to accept the merchandise only if the merchandise meets the specifications stipulated in the contract. The goods on voyage are at the buyer’s risk since the seller insured the goods on his behalf. However, if the
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Brand Identification Plays In Brand Loyalty and Brand Promotion Essay
Brand Identification Plays In Brand Loyalty and Brand Promotion - Essay Example The paper proposes to review the studies accomplished earlier on this particular area of concern. The earlier studies will include a number of journals articles such as ‘Social Identity Theory and the Organization’ by Ashforth and Mael, ‘Self-Categorization, Affective Commitment, and Group Self-Esteem as Distinct Aspects of Social Identity in the Organization’ by Bergami and Bagozzi. Defining Brand A brand acts as the nucleolus of a company; it helps to strengthen the image of a company in the minds of the consumers. Defining a brand is indeed the first step in the way of creating the brand strategy. By defining the brand, one constructs a foundation on which the rest of the components may later be constructed. The brand definition plays the role of a measuring stick with the help of which, the marketing strategies and materials can be evaluated. Brand defining requires the knowledge of products or services offered by the company, their quality, core values of the products or services, core values of the company, the company’s mission, the company’s expertise, the target market, the company’s tagline and the message it sends to the prospects. A brand in simple words is the term, design, symbol, name or anything that distinguishes one product from that of the other. Branding can be done based on various aspects. A brand is a conglomerate of memories, links, stories, and expectations that have a combined effect on the consumer to help him select a particular product or service in comparison to others available in the market. The consumer can be anybody ranging from a voter to a buyer. "A brand is a company's face to the world. It is the company's name, how that name is visually expressed through a logo, and how that name and logo are extended throughout an organization's communications". There are a number of ways by which branding can be accomplished. The most common of them are corporate branding, individual brandi ng, rebranding, family branding and personal branding. In order to cite an example Dove is an individual branded product from Unilever. While on the other hand IBM, G.E can be cited as the instances of corporate branding. Thus on an overall basis on whatever aspects it might be branding is important for a company. A brand is responsible for influencing the perception of the customers about the company. Consumers reflect the existence of brand value by paying a premium or spreading the word across the social network. The value of a brand is basically the aggregate of the amount consumers are willing to pay extra to buy the products or services of a certain brand while other companies rendering similar services or products cheaper by that amount are accessible to them in the market. DeMozota defined brand as the perceptions which is being determined by experience as well as through communication. Brand is also about developing and delivering the propositions to the consumers. In the m odern business era, brands are enormously focusing upon the betterment of the offering. It also remains focused towards the development of society and also to preserve the environment. However only developing or creating a brand does not mean, it will offer recognition and value to the company. The newly developed brand needs to offer value to the customers in all the aspects.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Principles of Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Principles of Management - Essay Example The writer expresses in anguished tone â€Å"Some of you think that seniority means you have power, a certain right to protest ... throw it in the faces of your supervisors every time you don’t want to do something.†He notes that seniors would complain over recognition and points which the juniors earn as deserved yet they occur not to realize that their performances have run the risk of being underrated due to the capacities exhibited by the newcomers who strive harder and are self-motivated to reach the top. Basically, business managers are confronted with the trouble of dealing with seniority once this concern becomes serious as it leads to the lack of cooperation and improper communication within a group. To address this, a manager or supervisor should make it a point to monitor organizational relationships on all levels and figure how employees, junior and senior alike, collectively fare as a team and try to detect if there are members who are left behind, experiencing unjust treatments. As much as possible, submission of reports in reference to daily or weekly accomplishments must be conducted by each worker across-the-board regardless of tenure and position. It would be worthwhile to consider a new policy pertaining to transparency of all acts and accountability for one another so as to discourage any thought or intent toward selfish interest via acts of power tripping caused by the pride of
Former incarcerated persons attitudes and perceptions of successful Dissertation
Former incarcerated persons attitudes and perceptions of successful reentry - Dissertation Example There has been a fourfold increase in incarceration, and parole release rates have reduced radically. At the same time, there has been a significant increase in parole supervision. This has been accompanied by a drastic increase in parole revocation, with the result that hundreds of thousands of people are forced back into prison. The policy makers have not accorded much importance to reducing recidivism and enhancing integration of the released convicts into the community (Travis, 2008). Latessa, another eminent professor in criminology claims that there is conclusive evidence, which clearly shows that treatment programs enjoy different levels of effectiveness. In fact, there should be a segregation of offenders into the low and high risk categories. Offenders belonging to the high risk category should be subjected to more intense supervision and treatment, as they tend to benefit from such measures. Services should primarily focus on the factors in offenders that lead to criminal b ehavior. It is now clear that programs that are properly designed and implemented have the capacity to reduce recidivism to a major extent. On the other hand, improperly designed and poorly implement programs can actually enhance recidivism (Latessa, 2008). ?American society has to envisage the onerous task of reintegrating into society, a large number of released prisoners. This number is quite significant, and was of the order of 635,000 per annum. The prison population, in the year 2002, was around 1.4 million, and 93% of these individuals would ultimately be released into society (Day, 2005, p. 346). Another disquieting feature of this state of affairs is that the average prison term does not exceed 2.5 years. In fact, some 44% of the prisoners would be released within a year of being incarcerated. Public safety is crucially affected, by prisoner reentry, which can be understood as the different activities that enable released prisoners to join the mainstream of society as respo nsible and law abiding members (Petersilia, 2009, p. 3). The majority of the ex – convicts suffer from social and medical problems. These individuals, in the main, tend to be uneducated, unskilled and devoid of adequate family support. In addition, they have to bear the cross of having been imprisoned, which invariably generates distrust and fear. Another, disquieting feature relates to the prevalence of substance abuse, in nearly 75% of the prisoners, and the affliction of a sixth of prisoners with mental illness. Less than a third of such prisoners are provided with treatment in prison (Holzer, Raphael, & Stoll, 2003). As revealed in a study a by Petersilia, an eminent scholar of criminal justice, the proportion of prisoners with infectious diseases is five times that of the proportion of the US population. The extent of this malaise can be gauged from the fact that around 25% of those infected with HIV or AIDS in the US transit through prison or jail. It has been stressed by experts in the area of public health that HIV will continue to increase in prisons and will eventually increase prevalence rates in the general community (Petersilia, 2009, p. 4). This will be the outcome of imprisoning and releasing a greater number of drug offenders. Furthermore, the number of prison inmates with marketable employment skills or adequate literacy to
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Head Nurse Essay Example for Free
Head Nurse Essay A head nurse has the following important duties and job responsibilities: * Planning and scheduling the work activities of junior nurses in her section. * Making sure that the medical reports and instruments are kept properly and safely. * Ensuring that the patients obey the instructions and advice of the doctors and follow their prescriptions sincerely. * Ensuring that the areas where the patients are admitted are sanitized properly on a regular basis. * Directing the patients to have their meals regularly and receiving feedback from them in case of faulty food items or other issues. * Making her patients relax in case of adversities and major surgeries being performed on them. * Comforting her patients and injecting them with the required medicinal doses as advised by the doctors. * Cleaning the areas that contained medical instruments, medicines and syringes in order to ensure safety for all those who visit these areas. * Sanitizing the rooms where the patients are dressed and changed in order to avoid microbial infections. * Assisting her patients with calling their relatives and helping the old ones move from one place to another. * Walking with the doctors during their routine rounds and check-ups and noting down the directions of the doctor with regard to the health and care of the patients. * Ensuring that she provides all the health care facilities and services to the patients with accordance to the rules, regulations and policies of the state. * Placing demands for new medicines and documenting their amounts properly and ordering fresh stocks of the medicines that have expired. * Ensuring that all the needs and demands of the patients are fulfilled during their stay in their hospitals. * Making sure that the patients are comfortable and feel at home. * Executing all other tasks that need her assistance and patient health care services. * Duties and Responsibilities of a Head Nurse: * Head nurses manage all the administrative duties of the departments which they are assigned to work in * They schedule shifts for the nurses and assign duties to them * They collect work reports from all the nurses regarding their day-to-day activities and maintains a record of them * They present the records collected from all the nurses to the respective doctorswho are handling cases of those patients * They assist and conduct training programs for the nurses who are new and need help * They also solve any issues related to the patients * Head nurses also come in direct contact with the patients and diagnose theirhealth problems * Inventory management is also one of the responsibilities of the head nurses * Head nurses review and supervise the pre-operative settings made by the nurses in the operating room and make sure that they have provided required equipments to the doctors * Head nurses often accompany the doctors when they go on their rounds to check the patients where they present the reports collected by them * They provide necessary help to the doctors such as carrying diagnostic equipments, etc., to the doctors while they are on round for check-up They maintain a log of the entries of the patients in their wards and their health Reports * Head nurses also look for the hygiene in the hospital and in the rooms and make sure that the patients are provided with enough facilities and entertain all types of complaints from the patients *
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
What Is Sugar Sweetened Beverages Health And Social Care Essay
What Is Sugar Sweetened Beverages Health And Social Care Essay Sugar sweetened beverage means any nonalcoholic beverage Carbonated or noncarbonated, which is intended for human consumption and contains any added caloric sweetener. [1] In addition, it contains more than 10 calories per 8 ounce. These beverages include: sweetened water, non diet soda, fruit or vegetable drinks containing less than 70 % natural fruit or vegetable juice, sports drinks, energy drinks and sweetened bottled coffee or tea. Sugar sweetened beverages provide little or no nutritional value, but contain huge amount of sugar. [2] Ø ªÃƒËœÃ‚ ¹ÃƒËœÃ‚ ¯Ãƒâ„¢Ã… Ù„.. One 12-ounce can of sugar-sweetened soda contains 150 calories and 40 to 50 grams of sugar. If these calories are added to a typical US diet with no offsetting reduction in other caloric sources, one can of soda per day can lead to a 15-pound weight gain in a year. A better mechanism for weight gain could not have been developed than introducing a liquid carbohydrate with calories that are not fully compensated for by increasing satiety. Liquid calories are a relatively new addition to the human diet-perhaps the human satiety circuit has not yet adapted to register these calories for what they are. Dr. Caroline Apovian, Sugar-Sweetened Soft Drinks, Obesity, and Type 2 Diabetes, American Medical Association,2004; Emerging_ evidence_ also_ suggests_ that_ higher_ consumption_of_ sugar_sweetened_ soft_ drinks_ may_ raise_ the_risk_of_developing_type_2_diabetes_and_the_metabolic_syndrome._Soft_drinks_contain_large_amounts_ of_ simple_ sugars,_ which_ can_ induce_ higher_ glycemic_ and_ insulinemic_ responses._ Soft_ drinks_ are_ an_ important_source_of_glycemic_load_in_the_diet,_which_has_been_associated_with_the_risk_of_developing_ type_2_diabetes_and_cardiovascular_disease. Frank B. Hu MD, PhD, SUGAR_SWEETENED_SOFTDRINK__ CONSUMPTION_AND_RISK_OF_TYPE_2__ DIABETES_AND_CARDIOVASCULAR_RISK,CMR,2009;2,2,13-18 Health consequences of (SSB): In fact, sugar sweetened beverages cause health risks both because of what they include (mainly sugars, extra calories, and various additives) and what they replace in the diet (foods and beverages that provide minerals, vitamins, and other nutrients). SSB and Obesity: Obesity becomes the most prevalence public health problem that increases dramatically. The prevalence of overweight is tripled in children and adult. There are many environmental factors that associated with development of obesity due to change in food and beverage consumption. These factors that may influence children to consume soft drinks are different such as taste, preference, soft drink availability and television viewing. From the survey which was done for 560 American children, the researchers found that over 80% of respondent consume soda at least weekly, and 30% consume soda daily [3]. Also they found that these children who consume soft drinks, their parents and peers share them and they watched TV 3.5hday and have easily access to soft drinks in both home and school. Researchers also found that there is association between increased sweetened beverage and increase in BMI. Some studies show a clear relationship between consumption of sugar sweetened beverage, particularly soft drinks, and increase in the prevalence of overweight and obesity. Knowing the factors that contribute to the consumption of soft drinks will aid in prevention and treatment of overweight in children and adolescent. Dietitian must increase parents awareness of unhealthy life style, behavior, help them to control familys eating habits, limit watching TV. For children who are at risk of overweight, limit access to soft drinks and decrease TV viewing [4]. In some point, families and their children may resist making life style changes, so addressing these factors may encourage them to make decision in their eating habits. Family can also develop a strategy to modify their life style and improve their health, so the results will be healthier children, families who can battle the epidemic of obesity [5]. Indeed a number of large scale epidemiological studies have found consistent positive associations between SSB consumption and long-term weight gain and risk of chronic diseases including metabolic syndrome (MetSyn), T2DM and CHD. SSB consumption is thought to lead to weight gain because of the high added sugars content and low satiety of these beverages and incomplete compensation for total energy at subsequent meals following intake of liquid calories. In addition, because of their high amounts of rapidly absorbable carbohydrates such as sucrose or high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), coupled with the large quantities often consumed, SSBs may increase risk of T2DM independent of obesity as a potential contributor to a high dietary glycemic load (GL) which lead to inflammation , insulin resistance, and impaired beta-cell function. Hu FB, Malik VS, Sugar-sweetened beverages and risk of obesity and type 2 diabetes: Epidemiologic evidence, Physiol Behav (2010), doi:10.1016/j.physbeh.2010.0 1.036 Several recent studies suggest that increased abdominal adiposity and waist circumference (W_ C) is a strong predictor of all cause mortality [7]. The consumption of nonalcoholic carbonated beverages or soft drinks and sweetened juices by children has rapidly increased during short period displacing water and nutrient dense beverage such as dairy products. [8] As it stated before that obesity among children becomes a big health concern around the world. The prevalence of overweight and obesity amongst children in Qatar state has previously been reported between 37.5% and 41.6 % [9] males and females children respectively. In general, obesity presents an entirely new set of public health problem reported in Qatar, considering a major risk factor for non- communicable diseases. Obesity is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease [10], Diabetes [11] and certain types of cancer [12]. It can also be associated with non- fatal but debilitating illnesses such as respiratory difficulties, infertility and musculoskeletal disorders [13]. According to data available in previous studies, overweight and obesity among Qatari adolescents from both sexes are 23.6% and 36.5% [14] females and males respectively. Childhood corpulence is a predictor for adult disease [15]. In particular recent studies have shown that increased BMI in childhood may predict the occurrence of obesity in adulthood [16, 17]. In children as apposed to adults, the BMI values vary with both age and gender, thus the proffered assessment is BMI- for- age, in which children with body mass index (BMI) for age between 85th and 95th percentile are classified as being overweight and those in the à ¢Ã¢â‚¬ °Ã‚ ¥ 95th percentile are considered obese [18]. Excessive calorie intake in the form of a number of macronutrients has been associated with weight gain. energy intake from sugar- sweetened beverage (SSB) now accounts for a significant fraction of the total caloric intake of young people[19], and consumption has been implicated in promoting obesity in several ,but not all studies[20]. The World Health Organization has implicated the consumption of sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs) as probable contributor to the obesity epidemic. The National Food Survey in the United Kingdom documented a five fold increase in household consumption of SSBs between 1974 and 1999, from 180 to 976 g/wk. A similar trend was observed in the United States, where the average daily consumption of SSBs by children (6 to 17 y of age) more than doubled between 1977 and 1998, from 150 to 350 g/d (5 to 12 oz/d) [21]. Sucrose, fructose and glucose -sweetened beverage intake has been associated with poor diet quality and fast food consumption [22]. In a study published in United State, they include desire to drink DD scale which measure difference in the quality and frequency with which children want to drink. Behavioral correlate of DD: High scoreÆ’Â more frequent desire to have drink but indication of type of drink. DD relates to thirstÆ’Â scores should be associated to or with all consumption of all drinks. DD relates to liking for sweet things in mouthÆ’Â high score would be expected to consume higher quantities of sweetened beverage [23]. Consumption of SSB and obesity in childhood Studies reviewed Several studies have been published examining the potential contribution of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSB) to weight gain in children. There are many cross-sectional studies identified, some of these reported a positive association between the frequencies of intake sugar sweetened drinks and obesity while some found no association. Overall, there is extensive evidence that sugary drinks contribute to weight gain in children. Both baseline intake and changes in the intakes of these drinks are associated with an increase risk of weight gain in both children and adolescents Ludwig DS, Peterson KE, Gortmaker SL. Relation between consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks and childhood obesity: a prospective observational analysis. Lancet 2001; 357:505-508. A study conducted in United State on sample of 10,371 boys and girls aged 2-19 years from representative US sample. The results were positive linked that overweight children BMI > 95th consume a grater % of energy from soft drinks and total beverages than non-overweight children. Troiano RP, Briefel RR, Carroll MD, Bialostosky K. Energy and fat intakes of children and adolescents in the United States: data from the National Health and Examination Surveys. Am J Clin Nutr 2000; 72:1343S-1353S. Another study conducted on 185 Canadian children aged 4-16 years also indicated appositive association between high consumption of SSB and increase BMI and overweight. Gillis LJ, Bar-Or O. Food away from home, sugar-sweetened drink consumption and juvenile obesity. J Am Coll Nutr 2003; 22:539-545. The results of a study on 3048 multi- ethnic New Zealand children from both gender aged 5-14 years stated that children dinking soft drinks > 1 per day had higher mean BMI than those with intake Scragg R, Wilson N, Schaaf D, Fitzgerald E, Utter J. Risk factor for obesity in New Zealand children aged 5-14 years: results from the 2002 national Children.s Nutrition Survey. Australasian Epidemiologist 2004;11:23-24. Findings from small food consumption studies from various countries including South Africa, the Philippines and New Zealand are also indicative of high consumption levels of sugar sweetened beverages. A recent study was conducted in Saudi Arabia, a total study sample consisted of 9433 males and females aged 10- 19 years old participated in a designed Food Frequency Questionnaire. BMI and W_C measurements were obtained and correlated with dietary Intake. The results show that the overall prevalence of overweight and obesity was 12.2% and 27.0% respectively, with boys having higher obesity rates than girls. W_C and BMI was positively correlated with sugar sweetened carbonated beverages (SSCB) intake in boys only. Kate S Collison, Marya Z Zaidi, Shazia N, Sugar- sweetened carbonated beverage consumption correlated with BMI, waist circumference, and poor dietary choices in school children, BMC Public Health, 2010;10: 234,2-12. Bones and osteoporosis People who prefer to drink soft drinks and or any type of sweetened beverages instead of milk or other daily products probable their intake of calcium will be low and this will lead to osteoporosis, which is a disease that cause bone fragile and broken . The risk factor of osteoporosis depends on how much bones mass is built up early in life. Girls build 92 percent of their bone mass by age 18, but if they dont consume sufficient calcium in their teenage years, they can not catch up later. Thats why experts recommend higher calcium intakes for youths aged 9 to 18 than for adults aged 19 to 50 [24]. Although osteoporosis takes decades to develop, preliminary research suggests that the lower calcium intake that may result for example from drinking soda pop instead of milk can contribute to broken bones in children [25]. Heart Disease Heart disease is the nations number- one killer. Some of the most important causes are diets high in saturated and trans fats and cholesterol. In many adults, a diet or beverage that is high in sugar may also be a modest contributor to heart disease [ 26]. A study of young adults (19 to 38 years old) in Louisiana found a strong association between consumption of sweetened beverages and risk factors for syndrome X [27]. Diabetes In fact, soft drinks are harmful for people with diabetes since one pack of them contain 33 grams of table sugars (sucrose) and this type of sugar is absorbed rapidly which will raise blood sugars quickly. This action impacts negatively on controlling diabetes [28]. Kidney stones Kidney stones consider as one of the most painful disorders to distress humans and one of the most common disorders of the urinary tract. Researchers had subjects consume large volume of cola drinks for one or several days. The next day, the subjects urine contained higher levels of oxalate and lower levels of magnesium and citrate, changes that could contribute to kidney stone formation [29 ]. SSB and Tooth Decay Scientists have noticed a connection between soft drink consumption and dental health. Like obesity (or any issue involving human health), tooth decay is a complex subject. It is the result of many factors, including the types of foods that are consumed and frequency of eating occasions. Foods that are sticky and cling to the teeth are more likely to cause tooth decay. The amount of time that sugar remains in contact with teeth is another important variable. Soft drinks and other sugar-containing liquids pass over the teeth very quickly. A recent study examined dental caries and beverage consumption among 1- to 5-year-old children and found an association between soft drinks and increased caries. Marr Barr,Longmont, Colorado, Soft Drinks, Childhood Overweight, and the Role of Nutrition Educators, Nutrition Education and Behavior, 2004; 36:258-265. In addition, drinking soft drinks between meals was found to increase the number of dental decay and caries in a twenty-year longitudinal study. As a result of an increasing consumption of soft drinks and commercial fruit juices, over the past years, the prevalence of dental erosion and decay has increased dramatically. Acids from the soft drinks have been known to induce the dissolution or erosion of dental enamel as well as caries lesion due to the combined effect of bacteria and degradation of carbohydrates present in the drinks [30]. Nationally, there is great concern about the effects of carbonated- beverages consumption on obesity, osteoporosis, heart diseases, tooth decay, and other health problems. Sites in blue is Okay  Å
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Leadership Of Youth In Nation Building Education Essay
The Leadership Of Youth In Nation Building Education Essay INTRODUCTION The term nation building is usually used to refer to the constructive process of engaging all citizens in building social unity, economic prosperity and political stability in an inclusive and democratic way. A nation is built out of the human intellect. This means that a nation cannot be built without the recognition and the collective efforts of all citizens, skilled and unskilled, young and old. Young people are a crucial segment of a nations development. Their contributions, therefore, are highly needed. Young people are social actors of change; and as the saying goes, The youth are not only the leaders of tomorrow, but also the partners of today. It is well known that the most vibrant section of every society is the youth. Therefore, the youth have the responsibility of being at the fore-front of any national exercise. Youth is that period when a man is full of energy, ambitions and zest for life. The power possessed by youth is a recognised force today. The power or the energy can be used for both constructive and destructive purposes. Whenever there is unrest in a country, political forces use youth for their further selfish interests [1]. Youth Leadership skills are relevant to young peoples personal development, as well as their role within a group. On a personal level, youth experiences gain insight into themselves. This helps them analyze their strengths and weaknesses and set personal and vocational goals. On a group level, youth develop the ability to work with others to create a shared vision and to draw on the talents, skills, and energy of others. The task of nation building is very challenging and can be divided into phases. Everyone can contribute towards it according to his or her capabilities. The young people should be made to understand a specific project and its importance to the society. They should be given a suitable direction so that they can work hard for its fulfilment. This will make them satisfied by the realisation that they have been assigned roles in the nation building. They would be prepared to work sincerely for the welfare of the society and the country. Every citizen, including the youths, should always have it at the back of their mind that nation building is a collective effort of all citizens in constructing a desired country. No contribution is too small or too big. It must also be noted that nation building starts from the community level up to the national level. LEADERSHIPS IN NATION DEVELOPMENT FORWARDING TO 1 MALAYSIA AND VISION 2020 The young, according to Pearl S. Buck (a Nobel Laureate in literature) do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation. Youth is that clay which can be melded in either shape one wants. In our belief, this is the sole reason for both exploitation and utilization of youth in the destruction and construction of any nation respectively. It is a fact that, the nations building is highly dependent on youth. Youth is that spark which needs no ignition. Youth is that powerful resource, which can either construct or destruct the whole nation. No doubts youth should step forward to take up on the responsibility in developing the nation. The countrys leadership should also embrace youths, as well as youth organisations, as they are the leaders of the future and would contribute to the nation-building efforts [2]. Awareness among youth is to be raised about the development issues and their potential roles in the country. It is also important to involve young people in the consultative process of designing policies that affect youth. If young people are inexperienced at work, they will also be inexperienced about policies but there are some important lessons that we have learned. For example, youths in their upper teens and 20s have been consulted, if not in decision-making, at least in informing them about legislation that would affect their lives. As such, the government policies and constitutional provisions which safeguard the needy will continue to be implemented. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak said that the 1Malaysia concepts ultimate objective is to achieve national unity among its people. He said In other words, 1Malaysia is a concept to foster unity in Malaysians of all races based on several important values which should become the practice of every Malaysian [3]. Malaysia is a formula which serves as a prerequisite to ensure realisation of the countrys aspiration to achieve developed nation status by 2020 if it is assimilated in the people and practised by society. If Bangsa Malaysia (the Malaysian race) outlined in Vision 2020 is the ultimate objective of this journey, then 1Malaysia is the guide pointing the way towards that objective. As such, youth leadership is one of the very important elements to ensure that the concept would not deviate from what had been agreed to by our forefathers. In fact, 1Malaysia values and respects the ethnic identities of every community in Malaysia and regards them as assets to be proud of. Y outh in order to make his/her country developed, has to sacrifice not only their lives by protecting their country at the borders but also has to protect from internal threats, and make the society a healthy place to live. It is possible only, if the youth realize to stay healthy by sacrificing selfishness, laziness, evilness etc., and by thinking dedicatedly for the growth of nation. Ignorance, fear, prejudice and apathy, if left unchecked, are fertile ground for breeding hatred, extremism, fatalism and fanaticism, which are the root causes of the worlds ills. So, youths of today play very significant role to demonstrate strong leadership potential, personal drive, and a passion and energy for making a difference in our community and country. No obstacle is too high, too deep or too wide for us to overcome if all of us especially the young generation who will be the leaders of tomorrow willing to join hands, think and act together as 1World. By quoting an old Malay proverb that Together, people could conquer all peaks and traverse all valleys. One way to inculcate youth leadership, youth can participate in the youth leadership academy [4]. The Youth Leadership Academy is dedicated to nurture and to build capabilities of future young leaders. As a participant, we will have the opportunity to improve our leadership skills, and be inspired by Malaysias most successf ul corporate leaders and young professionals. It is true that, youth is highly amendable, but one must show the guts to take up the challenge to guide the youth to a correct path. The central purpose of advocating youth leadership is to support youth in taking the initiative to engage in civic and community activities in order to build on their strengths and self-esteem and to work together as a team in building leadership skills. Youth leadership groups are similar to other youth development groups in that they are structured to offer youth educational, interesting material and resources that address current youth issues. Youth leadership groups are run by the youth themselves, but facilitated by a staff person in your program. Because the groups are self-directed by youth, the facilitator should serve as a support and guide for youth development. The key for the 1Malaysia concept is to practise mutual respect and trust among the different races in Malaysia. However, mutual respect is not just tolerance [5]. That is just the bare minimum. Mutual respect means we have embraced unity in diversity. And secondly, we must trust one another. But trust is not something gained overnight. But if done consciously over time, it will eventually happen. Once trust is developed, Malaysia will be the sum total of all races. We will not be moving as separate communities but as one Malaysia and we will be stronger. It will be a new Malaysia because well change our mindset because we trust and respect each other. We hope all will join us to bring Malaysia to greater heights. That is why youth leadership programs come in handy whereby they enable the youths to learn from the best, and really develop themselves personally and professionally! According to the National Centre on Secondary Education and Transition, youth leadership activities can help contributing to and being involved in promoting the well being of the community, developing and using a positive attitude within leadership activities, developing strong, trustworthy relationships with responsible adults and peers, interacting and collaborating with individuals from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds, participating in a wide array of career exploration activities, maintaining a commitment to academic and lifelong learning, maintaining and demonstrating a healthy lifestyle. In a nutshell, the core elements of unity are, firstly, the attitude of acceptance among the races and the people, secondly, principles of nationhood based on the Federal Constitution and the Rukun Negara (National Ideology), and, thirdly, social justice. As such, the government policies and constitutional provisions which safeguard the needy will continue to be implemented Malaysia has come a long way since its independence. It has survived the Japanese occupation, followed by colonization by the British Empire. After years of power struggle and much bloodshed, Malaysia is now 52 years old and growing since it freed itself from the grip of foreign forces. However, independence was not the final objective of Malaysia. Inspired by the struggle of our forefathers, Malaysia craves for global recognition as a developed nation as well as a place on the world map. Who then is to lead Malaysia into achieving this particular dream? The answer is definitely not the current leaders as human is of finite life. It is worth mentioning a quote from our former premier, His Excellency YAB Tun Dato Seri Dr Mahathir Mohamad during one of the recent Malaysian Business Council meetings. He (Dr. Mahathir) mentioned that most of the present council members will not be present on the morning of January 1, 2020; instead, the great bulk of work that must be carried out to ensur e Malaysia as a fully developed nation will obviously have to be done by the present generations youth. However, the current leaders should not neglect their role in guiding them (the youths) as well as lay the secure foundations that the youths will build upon [6]. The ultimate aim of Vision 2020 is to make Malaysia a fully developed country, hoping that Malaysians born today and in the years to come will be the last generation of citizens to live in a country that is called developing. What then you might ask is a fully developed country? Just as Dr. Mahathir put it, a developed country should not only be developed in the economic sense but also be fully developed along with all other dimensions namely politics, social, spiritual, psychology and culture [7]. The aforementioned criteria carry a significant amount of truth in them. In terms of politics, if the ruling government is corrupted and insensitive towards the community he or she serves, the country will not be able to progress. An unstable political system often results in chaos as it results in public demonstrations whereby in some cases, violent clashes between citizens and the nations defense body may occur. Violent situations like this creates an image of fear and insecurity and oft en these are the major factors that influences the decision of foreign investors on whether to invest, continue investing or to pull out. As mentioned earlier on, human life is finite, hence the current governing body will need replacement someday and this replacement will ultimately be succeeded by the current generation the youths. From the above paragraphs, it is noted of the significant role the youths of today will have to bear in the future. What about the current youths? How are they contributing towards the nations growth? Youth bodies or communities such as B.R.A.T.S., Rakan Muda, YouthSays, and the like are led by youths and for youths. Its activities comprise of culture, social, sports, and etcetera. So how is it this a contributing factor towards the countrys development? Recalling what Dr. Mahathir mentioned earlier on, the development of the country should be developed along with other dimensions such as, social, spiritual, psychology and culture. Youth bodies such as the aforementioned promotes social bonding activities via forums, sports, support groups, and so forth. Furthermore, Malaysian culture can be promoted too via its cultural activities in the form of dance, drama, music, and so on. As mentioned earlier on, these bodies are led by youths for youths and it is only through successful leader ship that will permit all these activities to be executed successfully. In other words, the present youths too contribute towards the developing of our nation. To sum it all, youths whether it is present or future play a major role in contributing towards the success of Vision 2020 furthermore the development of the country. Let it be present or future, it is the youths that will eventually succeed their predecessors moreover lead the country towards its goals and vision. The capability of youths is powerful as displayed in their current activities and they are inevitably going to be the nations upcoming successful leaders. This is why youths are the key in succeeding the countrys Vision 2020. EFFORT TO INCULCATE YOUTH LEADERSHIPS IN MALAYSIA YOUNG ENGINEERS AND PARTIES INVOLVED Empowering youths towards leaderships enables all of us to get involved in nation building besides promoting national unity and social integration as well as becoming the role models in the society. Efforts has been undertaken to equip youths with the necessary skills and qualities to ensure them of a better future and to meet the accelerated pace of economic development and the changes in the environment. The strategic thrusts for the development of youths will be as follows [8]: Empowering youths for the future through improved access to education and training; Increasing participation of youths in youth organizations; Inculcating the spirit of competitiveness among youths; Strengthening the legal framework of youth development programs; Promoting national unity and social integration. To encourage youths to participate actively in nation-building, their accessibility to education and training will be further enhanced while leadership and skills training, entrepreneurial development and healthy lifestyles program can be carried out more extensively. In addition, self-confidence and discipline are positive elements which should be incorporated in the character building program. Measures shall be undertaken to increase the accessibility of the youths into life-long learning program through distance education and non-formal education as an effort to ensure balanced development. With the healthy mental and physical attributes, excellence results in nation growth could be achieved. According to the Ninth Malaysian Plan, National Youth Research Institute will be established to undertake research in six areas, namely socialization of youths, culture and religion, youth potentials and integrity, youth organizations, leadership and volunteerism, education as well as political awareness. Besides, national youth act Youth Societies and Youth Development 2007 has been introduced to ensure the youth programs are implemented in an integrated, coordinated and synergistic manner. In the aspect of leadership training, effort has been put to build a new breed of young leaders as prime movers of development. In this regard, the curriculum of leadership training program could be strengthened to make it more proactive and relevant to future needs. It is estimated that about 100,000 youths, including NGO leaders, will be trained under this program [8]. The government will continue to develop and instil leadership qualities among youths by conducting courses and training on good values and positive attitudes. Special courses on values will also be conducted to mould youths as responsible citizens and role models in society. Greater awareness on the important role of youths in forging and promoting unity towards building a united Malaysian nation has been given priority in the leadership training programs A quality youth leader should equip themselves with soft skills in order to outperform as a nation builder. As Malaysia is a multi racial country, interaction and communication among each other should be further enhanced in order to bring our nation to leap on a larger step of improvement with all of us working together on it. Hence, to check racial polarization among youths, more multi racial youth organizations could be established to allow for greater interaction among them. In addition, good moral values such as understanding, harmony, respect for the culture and tradition of other races, goodwill and trust will also be inculcated among the youths to enhance nation building efforts. The private sector will also be encouraged to contribute to youth training as part of their social responsibility. More active participation of youths at the international level could be promoted through intergovernmental and non-governmental institutions. In effort of nation building involving wide range of people, the implementation of Rakan Muda Programs has been strengthened to focus on specific target groups, particularly youths who are out of the education system and the unemployed youths as they are more vulnerable and easily influenced to be involved in negative and unhealthy activities. In this regard, Rakan Muda Program will focus on efforts to create role models among youths who are caring, skilled and dynamic. In addition, these programs will also focus on enhancing cooperation amongst agencies involved in the social agenda [8]. A program named, Program Memperkasakan Tenaga Muda, will be implemented specially for youths who are not selected for PLKN. Activities and modules under the PLKN will be carried out to ensure those who are not selected for the PLKN training to be exposed to similar program which helps a lot in character building towards quality leaderships. To better prepare students for the PLKN, the Government will incorporate this program into the co-curricular and curriculum in secondary schools. The participants of the PLKN will be encouraged to join Rakan Muda Program to continuously nurture the spirit of volunteerism and solidarity amongst them [8]. The various skills and leadership training program aimed at empowering youths has been undertaken by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, Ministry of Entrepreneur and Cooperative Development and Ministry of Human Resources. Nevertheless, combating social problems among youths could help in nation building. The measures should be taken to avoid the youth from influences by negative and unhealthy activities, but on the other hand improving self inner qualities in order to contribute to the country as well as leading the nation towards progressive development. During the Ninth Malaysian Plan period, the Government has continued to give emphasis on preventive and rehabilitative program to combat social problems among youths. Closer cooperation between the local communities and government agencies in stemming crimes among youths will be established. In addition, training program for youths in the high-risk crime group will be carried out to nurture them to become responsible citizens. Apart from producing a productive and disciplined young generation, youth development program should continue to focus on skills training and entrepreneurial development to encourage self-employment among youths. They will be trained to be resilient and to withstand challenges in a competitive environment through on-the-job training and exposure to real work situations. This is to prepare ourselves towards real time challenge as we ultimately will come to work environment and contributes in different aspect or in different fields. Youth leadership program had given emphasis on the role of youths in society and fostering national unity with a sense of common and shared destiny. ROLE OF YOUNG ENGINEERS AND SUCCESSFUL EXAMPLES One may see an engineer as a person with a university education in engineering who may take an idea and turn it into a useful thing for other people to use. An engineer may make a better mouse trap, or tell people how best to build a bridge or a skyscraper. Whatever things to they wish to do, an engineer is to make sure people are safe and the next is to improve life. They can become very good engineers who can handle tools and machineries. Die-hards and loyal engineers to these perceptions have been losing out in terms of managerial positions, wealth and leadership to those who are enterprising and see business as well as quality management as prime factors to improve life, build better bridges and skyscrapers. In this fast changing world, the expectations towards engineers have changed. Engineers have to leave their cocoon if they wish to be better engineers of today and see the reality of life which is getting more sophisticated and complex. They need skills to manage people, technology, money, physical facilities, time, money and other resources. In addition, they also need to communicate effectively with society and other non-engineering people from various professions. Prestigious universities in the USA have been pushing for changes in their engineering programs. One might wonder why and whats behind the sudden push by universities to produce people-smart engineers? Successful engineers must learn to be a leader not mere follower neither only as a faithful employees in an organization. These skills and knowledge shall be acquired from the humanities and social sciences disciplines. An engineer must no longer a person who is shy away from things and challenges to be confronted as they can be better engineers, scientists and wealthy entrepreneur with their equipped technical and interpersonal skills as well as passion in solving problems for improvements. Engineering is a profession that covers a wide variety of disciplines. The tasks and studies of the various fields of engineering are vastly different, though each requires problem solving through the use of mathematical and scientific principles. Such fields include civil, electrical, aerospace, computer, chemical, environmental and mechanical engineering. No matter what will be the speciality, it requires a time-consuming, intense course of study and efforts beginning as far back as high school in order to become a well equipped engineer. Throughout the years, our government has increases its access to education and training especially on engineering field. We generate young professionals to enhance income generation capabilities, as well as life quality improvement of Malaysians. Nevertheless, the education and training system on engineering field has yet to be restructured, especially with greater private sector involvement in order to cater for the demand and needs of our local industries in their specified fields. Aspiring engineers should focus on developing different types of skills such as detail oriented, keen analytical skill, good communicator, able to work on a team, able to build and improve the way things work, or creative thinker. It is not easy to become a successful engineer in this world without any long journey of hard work. In Malaysia, there are a lot of successful engineer born in this country. Associate Professor Dr. Law Chung Lim is a lecture from The University of Nottingham. Associate Professor Dr. Law Chung Lim of the School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering at the Malaysia Campus was conferred the Young Engineer Award by the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM). This award comes in recognition of Chung Lims involvement in various academic and research undertakings, as well as his societal and voluntary commitments and contributions [9]. Chung Lim has served the Institution of Engineers (IEM) since Jan 2004 and is actively involved in its activities. He has organised technical talks and technical visits for the Chemical Engineering Technical Division and has reported six events in the bulletin Jurutera over the years. Further to this, Chung Lim was a member in the sub-committee of Career and Guidance of Admission Practical Training Committee and IEM Computer Lab Project Committee in 2005. In addition, he served the 1st and 2nd Malaysian ChemECar Competition organising committee as a secretary, MC cum judge in 2004 and 2005. Besides, he also served as secretary cum treasurer and chemical risk and health assessor for the regional ChemECar competition which was held in KL in conjunction with the Asia Pacific Confederation on Chemical Engineering Conference, APPChE. Chung Lim also contributes to the reviewing of manuscripts submitted to the Jurnal IEM [9]. Over the years, Chung Lim has worked extensively on various research areas which has give a lot of important outcome in many aspects, ranging from research publication, equipment design, product development and many other researches. He innovatively modified a conventional fluidized bed dryer and proposed two modified fluidised bed dryers, viz. baffled fluidised bed dryer and two-stage cross flow fluidised bed dryer. The inventions won him a bronze and a gold medal in 2003 and 2005 respectively. Chung Lim obtained two e-Science research grants from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) and involved in three MOSTI grants which amount to over RM1.25 million. He has published more than seventy five papers including journal articles, handbook chapters, book chapters and review articles and conference papers. He has produced five equipment designs, fabricated and commissioned three prototypes of unit operation, conducting three product development projects, supervisin g seven postgraduates, received two award of excellence from the institution, and two awards of best paper [9]. As a researcher who is actively involved in drying and dehydration, Chung Lim receives requests to review manuscripts submitted to various journals, namely Drying technology, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, Chemical Engineering Science, Jurnal of IEM, Pertanika and Jurnal Teknologi. Over the years, he has reviewed more than fifty five manuscripts and technical papers. Chung Lim received a certificate, medal and a prize award of RM500.00. Speaking after receiving the award, Chung Lim said, I shall continue to strive hard to remain worthy of this award. I shall uphold professionalism, make more contribution to promote engineering as a profession and conduct more impactful researches to the enrichment of knowledge [9]. CONCLUSION Nation building is a collective effort of all citizens. As an old saying goes: the youth are not only the leaders of tomorrow but also the partners of today. The Youth, as the energetic ambitious and highly capable people, have the responsibility, passion and power of being at the fore-front in developing the nation in a democratic and constructive way. Undoubtedly, Youth leadership is a significant element to ensure the concept of One Malaysia would not deviate from what had been agreed to by our forefathers. Also, Youth play a very important role to demonstrate their potential, motivation and passions of making a different in our community. The young generation, as tomorrows leaders; have to think together as one. The opportunity of improving our leadership skills is being given to us by taking part in civic and community activities. Youth leadership programmes will give emphasis on the role of youths in society and fostering national unity with a sense of common and shared destiny to develop the mutual trust and respect among different races in Malaysia at the young age and promote the well-being of the country. Moreover, Youth organisations are important and contribute to Malaysian nation-building and development because youth organisations have served as a training ground for many national leaders in Malaysian history. As empow erment emphasizes development of collective rather than individual goals, it will henceforth lead to capacity building and setting the agenda for changes for Malaysia. In an effort to attain developed nation status by the year 2020, the Malaysian government has made strategic thrusts for the development of youths by improving the access to education and training, inculcating the spirit of competitiveness among youths, strengthening the legal framework of youth development programs; increasing participation of youths in youth organizations, and promoting national unity and social integration. Most importantly, the essay would not bring any benefits if we did not know the roles of young engineers in building this nation. With the profession of many disciplines, engineers should not only develop their personal technical skill but also be creative thinker, good communicator and think positively to distribute to group success. In fact, youth leaders, as the powerful pressure groups and guardians of transparency, will enable themselves to query government policies and performance for corrective action to be taken for the development of a Malaysian Malaysia. According to Abdul Rahman Embong, Malaysians (especially with the emergence of a middle class) would like to have greater democracy and a stronger civil society. This is essential for youth organisations and their leaders to champion these new challenges to check and balance in all major issues, government policies and implementation, because youth comprises a significant proportion of the Malaysian population.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Recommendation Letter Essay examples -- Letter of Recommendation
As an upright Police officer and upholder of the law, I am of the opinion that above everything else, success demands hard work, grit and persistence to go into its making. It is this quality that I see uppermost in Ron Geis, a remarkable individual who has battled the odds to come as far as he has in life and I am of the conviction that he is marked for further success. From circumstances of adversity, Ron has single-handedly pursued his dreams. An excellent sportsman during his school years, I have been associated with him in taking forward his sporting career since then. However, it was not long before I realized that his interests did not lie in the field of sports and that he wished to pursue a mainstream academic career. Ron educated himself while simultaneously taking up em...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Long Distance Learning Essay -- Education Research Learn Essays
Long Distance Learning Distance education allows you to study at home or in your office, according to your own schedule, there are no classes to attend. Generally, each course comes with a manual that may be accompanied by videotapes, audiotapes, audio CDs, computer diskettes, CD-ROMs, etc., depending on the nature of the course. As well, many courses incorporate computer conferencing, e-mail, listservs, computer-based quizzes, and the Internet. Some courses are entirely on-line, using the World Wide Web as an innovative learning environment. Distance education provides a contemporary means through which the University may expand in aiding others in furthering their education. The Open Learning program is an open admission distance-only mode of study that provides access to degree-credit university courses for individuals who wish to study independently but are not interested in pursuing a degree at the University level at the present time. You may register in the Open Learning program, even if you are registered at another educational institution or program. The Open Learning program extends the academic resources of the University to those interested in personal enrichment, professional updating, or eventual application to a degree program. Open learning program students must complete the same assignments and examinations as those in degree programs and is evaluated using the same standards. Upon successful completion of a course, learners receive the same credit we...
Personal Communication Ethic :: Ethics Communication Skills Speech Essays
Personal Communication Ethic I feel that that the best way to persuade people is with your ears  by listening to them. Feeling this way, I based my personal communication ethic on listening. If all you do is talk, then you probably don't have too many friends. I know that when I am interrupted in mid-sentence I feel like punching the other person. I feel as if the other person doesn't give a care in the world about what I think, and not only does that take away any respect I had for that person, but it hurts my feelings. Here, I have the TOP TEN WORST EXCUSES NOT TO LISTEN 10. It would blow my chances for America's Funniest Home Videos 9. I enjoy fighting over misunderstandings 8. My spouse will expect me to do it all the time 7. I like the challenge of doing a project for the boss when I don't have a clue what's wanted 6. Ignorance is bliss 5. Two words: Political speeches (I'm sorry, that's a good excuse) 4. It gives me a chance to use my creativity to fill in the blanks 3. I forget what I'm going to say if I listen 2. Congress doesn't why should I? 1. People might think I care â€Å"Listening to obtain sensory stimulation or enjoyment through the works or experiences of others,†can promote effective listening skills within the family unit. In this connection, through the use of storytelling, families can ultimately develop and refine listening skills and promote a rich sojourn of the past. This is one way you can practice listening is at home. I hope you have learned something through this speech and I hope you can use this ethic in your life. Thank you Part II #2 Your emotional and physiological state will influence the meaning you give to your perceptions. The sight of raw clams may be physically upsetting when you have a stomachache, but mouth watering when you're hungry. Also, perceiving only the positive in people that you like and only the negative in the people that you do not like is called bias. Be aware of perceptual evaluations influenced by your own biases. #3 Self-concept differs in different situations and at different times through many different ways. One way would be through others images of you.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Post Sigmoid Coletomy Care
This paper will critically examine the care needs and management of Mr Braun. An appropriate framework will be used, namely the ABCDE. Alternative treatment will be analysed using the 5 WHs critical decision making too (Jasper, 2006)l. His care will be based upon the nursing process ensuring that patient outcomes are agreed, implemented and evaluated. The assessment framework to be used is this assessment is the ABCDE assessment framework. The ABCDE framework looks at Airway, Breathing, Circulation, Disability, and Exposure/Elimination.The reason for choosing this framework is that it uses a systematic method of assessing, it aids with elimination of post op complications. In addition, it is a commonly accepted framework which is widely used and can be used in critical care situations, pre & post-operative care and emergency situations. Furthermore, it allows the nurse to use her skills in accessing the patient’s needs. The disadvantages of the framework are that it is a medic al model in the sense that it looks specifically at the biological aspects of care and lumps emotional/psychological/cultural/social care under the exposure/elimination catergory.Therefore it does not promote exploring these issues in great detail (Younker, 2008 & Hargan 2012) Cancer Physiology Bowel cancer normally starts in the rectum or sigmoid colon. It starts as adematous polyps and then progresses to adematous carcinomas. It spreads by direct extension via the bowel circumference, submucousa and outer bowel wall layers. It can also spread to other areas by direct extension, for example, to the liver, pancreas and spleen. Metastasis is normally by way of the surround lymphnodes.Primary cancerous cells can also travel into the lymphatic and circulatory system causing secondary cancer in other organs such as liver and pancreas (LeMone & Burke, 2003). Mr Braun is undergoing an operation for his sigmoid colon cancer. One route to take would be the traditional method. This consists of open bowel surgery. This entails making a large opening. A bowel prep is given prior to surgery, there is a longer starvation process, which can cause dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Furthermore, it causes stress on the body, insulin resistance in the body is longer and the recovery period is longer.In addition it causes longer paralytic ileus (Siddiqui et al. , 2012). The alternative treatment to the traditional method would be the laparoscopic method. Mr Braun would have a smaller incision, therefore making a quicker recovery. He would be in less pain and would be able to mobilise quicker. He would have a quicker return of GI function and a lesser period of paralytic ileus. He would be able to deep breath better as he would not be experiencing a lot of pain, therefore he would be at less risk of contracting a chest infection.This would all work towards him having an earlier discharge, for example, 3-5 days post op compared to anywhere between 8-12 days on the traditional method. Research has also shown that community rehabilitation is much quicker, 2-3 weeks rather than 6-8 weeks on the traditional method (Jenson 2011). Further research shows that patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery have fewer complications post discharge (Hargan 2012). It appears then the laparoscopic route has better outcomes for the patient and in addition, the NHS.Being able to discharge a patient between 3-5 days who experience fewer complications post operatively not only frees up beds but costs less to treat the patient. Therefore, after weighing up the pros and the cons of both the traditional and the laparscopic it would seem that Mr Braun would be better off having the laparoscopic route. It appears from research that the lapascopic route is the route which is used in almost 90% of colorectal surgery. However, the route that is taken ultimately depends on the surgeon’s choice. Prior to collecting the patient from the recovery roomBefore collecting Mr Braun fro m the recovery room I will need to check the bed area. This includes checking that the oxygen is working. I will need to ensure that there is a nasal tube and a venturi mask. I will also need to check the suction is working and ensure that a new tube is present by the bedside. I will also need to make there is a yonker. I will put a dynamap beside the bed which will allow me to take Mr Braun’s clinical observations on return to the ward. I will also ensure that a drip stand is next to the bed as he may be on fluids or have a PCA on his return to the ward (Nicol et al. 2012).Collecting the patient from the recovery room On collecting the patient from recovery, I will take with me a kidney bowel in case the patient needs to be sick on his return journey, a pair of gloves, a oropharyngeal (geudel) airway in case his airway becomes compromised in anyway and a pocket mask for mouth to mouth. My first priority is to ensure that Mr Braun is safe to return to the ward. I will check h is level of consciousness using the AVPU tool. This tool looks at whether he is Alert, whether he responds to Voice or whether he only responds to Pain and whether he is Unconscious. I will then take a handover from the recovery nurse.This should include informing me of the procedure Mr Braun has had, how well he has responded to the surgery and his current responsiveness/consciousness level. I would need to check with the recovery nurse whether his vital signs are within the normal range. This is for patient safety which is paramount and is at the centre of nursing care. This would need to be checked against the Early Warning Score (EWS) system which includes level of consciousness, the physiological parameters, for example, temperature, blood pressure, Oxygen saturation (SATS), respiratory rate, pulse and urine output.The EWS gives an overall score which informs me whether or not it is safe to take Mr Braun back to the ward. The recovery nurse would also inform me which medication s he has had, information regarding IV fluids, how long they should run for and whether more are needed when it finishes and check they are written up on the drug chart. In addition, I would need to see the wound bed. This would help with later assessment on the ward where I would be able to compare whether there has been any further bleeding or leakage. I would need to see the stoma site.The recovery nurse would inform me whether Mr Braun had a urinary catheter and whether there had been any urine output. After handover I would say hello to the patient and manually take his pulse so that I can get an indication of his heart rate (Nicol et al. 2012). On the ward On returning to the ward I will orientate the patient. I will inform him of every procedure that I do so that I can gain informed consent (NMC 2012). I will immediately carry out a set of clinical observations. This is so I can make a comparison with his perioperative baseline.Although doing the clinical observations with th e dynamap, I will manually take his pulse as it is vital that I know whether it is regular/irregular, strong or weak. ABCDE Assessment Airway The best way to check the airway is to speak to ask the patient and get him to respond to you. If he is able to talk in normally, this will be indicative of his airway being patent. I would need to listen to whether there are any sounds, like barking or gurgling as this could indicate that there is partial obstruction.I would also need to check whether Mr Braun is experiencing any nausea or vomiting. If Mr Braun is experiencing this I would need to immediately administer an anti-emetic as per drug chart instruction. This would help prevent the risk of pulmonary aspiration. I would also need to check whether Mr Braun has any allergies. I would ensure that he is wearing two red wrist bands with the allergies clearly written on them so that other staff members are aware. His allergies would be documented in his nursing notes and on his drug chart with information on what sort of reaction he experiences.Assessing whether Mr Braun has any allergies is extremely important as allergic reactions can cause swelling of the tongue and in the throat which would compromise his airway and leave him with difficulties breathing (Resuscitation Council UK, 2012). Breathing I would now assess breathing by checking Mr Braun’s respiratory rate (RR). The normal range is between 12-20 breaths per minute. In PAC, his RR was slightly raised. This could have been due to anxiety but was more than likely due to his anaemia (this will be looked at further under circulation). I will be able to gain a comparison and start looking for a trend.It is important that the RR is counted for a full minute. His breathing may be irregular and therefore not counting the full minute would give an inaccurate measurement. I would also check Mr Braun’s SATS. The normal range should be >95%. Checking his SATS will inform me whether he is getting enough oxygen and whether his tissues are being perfused adequately. Lack of oxygen can cause hypoxia which if not managed will lead to multiple organ dysfunction and ultimately death. I will also therefor check for cyanosis as this will also inform me whether he is lacking oxygen. It is important to look at how Mr Braun is breathing.For example, is he struggling to breath, is he breathing deeply or is it shallow. Does he have to use his accessory muscles to help him breath. I would check whether his chest is rising equally on both sides. I would also speak as him a question to ascertain whether he is able to speak in full sentences because someone who is struggling to breathe is unable to speak in full sentences. I would look at whether he is breathing fast or slow. Furthermore, I would look at how he is sitting, for example, is he leaning to one side. Also when you are assessing breathing it is important to listen for any wheeze or stridor.RR is one of the first things to alter when a pa tient is deteriorating. It is vital that if Mr Braun is experiencing any of the above, the nurse responds quickly. The first thing would be to check whether he is written up for any more oxygen and if so to increase it. The nurse would then have to check in RR and SATS again after 15 minutes to ascertain whether there was any improvement or further deterioration even. If the patient was deteriorating further the nurse would need to involve the doctor who would be able to review Mr Braun immediately and give further instructions on his care (Queen Mary University & City University, 2006).Circulation An assessment of Mr Braun’s pulse needs to be undertaken. This will allow the nurse to ascertain his heart rate. In addition, it would allow me to feel whether his pulse is strong or weak and whether it is regular or irregular. The normal resting pulse should be between 60-80 beats per minute (bpm). In the PAC, Mr Braun was slightly tachycardic, which could be due to anxiety of his diagnosis, hearing about the treatment he would receive or his prognosis. By taking his pulse it will allow for a baseline, pre-operative and peri-operative comparison.His blood pressure (BP) would also be assessed. The normal ranges are 90/60-140/90. Mr Braun’s BP in PAC was 135/80. Although this is still within the normal range, it is slightly high. However, this would be an appropriate BP given his age. It is vital that clinical observations are carried out every 15 minutes for the first two hours post-op as there is a higher risk of complications occurring and clinical signs are the physiological parameters which tell you whether a patient is deteriorating or improving.For example, if a patient is tachycardic and hypotensive this could be indicative of hypovolaemic shock which would need to be managed immediately as this can lead to potential death. It is vital when taking clinical observations that the nurse is aware that she should not only rely on the measurements. Th is is because a patient can be in hypovolaemic shock and still have a normal BP. This is because in hypovolaemic shock, the compensatory mechanisms take over and the body will do everything it can to keep the BP at normal level.Therefore, it is vital that the nurse also observes what the patient looks like, for example, does he look palor, he is sweaty or clammy. These are all important factors when carry out clinical observations. When a patient undergoes surgery he has enforced reduced mobility. Mr Braun will be in bed for a while and due to these factors is therefore at risk of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT), which is one of the highest cause of PE leading to hospital deaths. The nurse should check whether he still has his TED stockings on and check that they are not rolled down or creased as this may prevent them from achieving good prophylaxis.Furthermore it could compromise his skin integrity. Mr Braun will probably also be prescribed oral or subcutaneous anticoagulants as a furth er prevention of DVT. Mr Braun’s Hb levels should be checked to ensure that his anaemia is improving. If Mr Braun was assessed in PAC as having met the criteria, which is expected to make a good recovery, for the ERP, his anaemia would have been dealt with prior to him being admitted. He would have been assessed for any co-morbidities and his GP would have been involved to treat his anaemia.If his anaemia had not been treated, prior to his admission, it is likely that Mr Braun would have undergone a blood transfusion during surgery. This would mean that he would have a cannula in situ which would need to be assessed to check for phlebitis. This would need to be documented on the VIP chart (Hargan 2012). The cannula needs to be checked to ascertain whether it is patent. The date of insertion should also be noted on the VIP chart as it is not allowed to stay in for longer than 72 hours. Mr Braun will also have a catheter in situ. Therefore it is important to check for urine out put.Mr Braun should have a urine output of 0. 5ml/kg/hr, in other words half his body weight per hour. Therefore if Mr Braun weighs 80kg, he should have a urine output of 40mls per hour. If going through the traditional method, Mr Braun would have to have a low residue diet approx. 2 days prior to the operation. He would only be allowed clear fluids approximately 12-18 hours before surgery and would then be starved from the midnight before the day of surgery to prevent aspiration. Research has shown that prolonged starvation causes dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.It causes the body to experience insulin resistance for longer and cause the body more stress (Burch & Slater 2012). In contrast, he would have been given carbohydrate loading prior to surgery in the form of iso-osmolarity which 90% passes through the stomach within 90 minutes therefore he would have been able to have it one and a half hours prior to surgery. This would cause less insulin resistance and put his body t hrough less stress. He would be able to come off any IV fluids as he would be encourage to eat and drink at will post operatively.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Just year before, online shopping was not popular as it is today. But nowadays online shopping is the one of the best method considered for shopping. Now it allows the buyer to buy anything by just a click of mouse. Now online shopping offers a variety of products and services, as it allows us to buy clothing, airlines tickets, a car and even your grocery to shop. Websites like, are among the list of most popular websites being used these days. This essay will discuss advantages; (comparison shopping and save time) and disadvantages; (additional costs and waiting time and insecure shopping). One of the main advantage of online shopping is; comparison shopping in which products can be compared and contrast on the basis of their prices and multiple outlets. Today everybody wants the freedom of choice, so the marketers have to present the variety of product to choose from. Read more: Importance of English language essay There are number of online shopping websites, for example,, etc. that offer variety of products and services with different offers based on prices. This allows us the freedom of price flexibility and choice. So in that way, it makes easier to select and discard the product with his own choice. Many consumers like to explore before purchasing any particular product from different websites which offers different prices and different offers from other website at the same time. Comparison shopping affects the buyer’s trend to buy any product. The trend of comparison shopping is influenced by the ‘dimensions of decision-making style’ of the consumers (Park, Y. A., & Gretzel, U. 2010). The comparison shopping also become beneficial for the buyer as it allows the consumer to save money as well. Another main advantage of the online shopping is that it saves time. Today’s in this fast pace world everybody expects the work to be done fa ster. So, if anybody have busy life who have no time to buy the grocery are using online shopping as a way to fulfill their basic needs. Online shopping doesn’t require visiting the shopping places as you can do online shopping by sitting at home or anywhere. Online shopping services are available to anyone throughout the day, which it allows us to use these services anytime of the day. Online shopping websites are available on every day of the year, public holidays as well. So availability of online shopping makes it convenient for everyone to use. Online shopping is considered as a convenient method to find those things which are hard to find made it a ‘time saving method’ (Horrigan, J. 2008). The other most important disadvantage of the online shopping is the additional cost and waiting time that Company’s takes to deliver the product. . The additional cost for delivering the product is also an important reason why people used to buy from their local outlets. A product can take up to weeks to deliver the product which make it the most frustrating factor for online shopping. The online shopping can be frustrating factor for those who don’t have patience and time to wait. So it becomes better for the buyer to buy the product from local shops instantly. The price on online store is usually low but delivery charges of the product make the charges similar or higher than local outlets. The main disadvantage of online shopping i s insecure shopping. Insecure shopping means the scams and frauds by gaining the personal and financial details of the buyers and utilize it in a bad way. If someone obtain your details regarding your personal and financial information, that can harm your personality (respect) and on other hand it can become a cause for the loss of the money. Online shopping is widely used for shopping but has ‘worries about sending their financial details’ such as credit cards (Horrigan, J. 2008). There are number of scam and fraud websites that offer very attracting offers but websites like this can loot you. So scam websites make online shopping a chaos for the user. It can be concluded that online shopping have advantages but have disadvantages as well. Online shopping provides us variation that means comparison shopping but on other hand online shopping companies charge extra for delivering. It saves times on shopping but takes time on delivering. It is available every time but have insecurity of being scammed and looted. But in last it can be easily concluded that if buyer have time for waiting they can use online shopping from registered and legal website which can decrease the fear of online shopping frauds. So, it can be easily concluded that online shopping can be a best method for shopping. REFERENCING Horrigan, J. (2008). Online shopping. Pew Internet & American Life Project Report, 36. Lee, G. G., & Lin, H. F. (2005). Customer perceptions of e-service quality in online shopping. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management, 33(2), 161-176. Lester, D. H., Forman, A. M., & Loyd, D. (2006). Internet shopping and buying behavior of college students. Services Marketing Quarterly, 27(2), 123-138. Park, Y. A., & Gretzel, U. (2010). Influence of consumers’ online decision-making style on comparison shopping proneness and perceived usefulness of comparison shopping tools. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, 11(4), 342-354.
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